It's not THE Capitol, but this capitol on Capitol Street sure looks familiar.

While not anywhere near the city limits, this street is a center for live music.

The bionic man doesn't live here, but another Steve, Stevie Ray Vaughn is a local hero. Blues is a popular format including J. T. Coldfire pictured here.

Rod Stewart may not play here, but Maggie Mae's is a local landmark. As is the Blind Pig Pub where Joe Vega plays every night except Monday's and alternate Thursdays.
I would be very impressed is somebody can solve this without Googling any of the bars or performers mentioned. Go ahead and leave your guesses in the comments or check out this Flickr set to more clues (as well as the answer).
Austin, TX.
Almost positive the first shot is looking down Broad Street in Philly, which would make that Billy Penn up there on top of the rotunda.
The above might be the stupidest thing I've ever said. It's not even close.
The flag in the middle of the second photo would have been the big clue if I hadn't already heard.
Austin it is. It's hard to take a picture in that city without getting a Texas flag or a UT longhorn in the shot.
But nobody has named the street yet.
6th Street
Looks like the only city in Texas that is worth visiting to me...
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