I reviewed his latest novel, Anansi Boys, awhile back. Its predecessor, American Gods, deservedly won the Hugo and Nebula awards. He got his start and early fame as a writer of comic books. His Sandman series is cited as one of the seminal works in the evolution of the graphic novel and DC comics invented the Veritgo line just to have a place for his dark visions so that children wouldn’t mistake his Sandman for the blue and gold Golden Era hero. His version of Death as a goth-clad hottie is started to supplement the traditional image of the Grim Reaper.
In addition to comics and novels, he writes poetry, children’s books, screenplays and song lyrics. His book, Stardust, is being turned into a movie starring Claire Danes, Michelle Pfeiffer and Robert DeNiro. He wrote the script for Beowulf which is being animated Polar Express-style by Robert Zemeckis. Tori Amos cites him as a major influence. There doesn’t seem to be any challenge he’s not up to. Even his personal assistant is in a goth singing duo and has her own line of jewelry.
When I heard that Gaiman was to be the Guest of Honor at Balticon, the Baltimore Science Fiction Convention, I registered the whole yellojkt family for the event. My wife is far from a science fiction fan, but she is at least peripherally aware of what a force of nature he is. Neil flew into Baltimore straight from Australia where he was at the Sydney Writer’s Festival. Despite a half-globe’s worth of jetlag, the Balticon people made him sing for his supper with at least eight public events over the four days.

Stocked with the 3-item limit, I waited about two hours to get my loot signed. He was very pleasant and impressed that I had the white cover version of Good Omens. My wife grabbed a few pictures before security shuffled us off. Well worth the wait.
As a reward for indulging my fandom all day, I took my wife to a very nice nearby upscale Asian restaurant. After dinner, I was surprised to see Neil, leather jacket and all, outside talking on his cell phone. I told him how much I liked his talk, and he acknowledged me with a thanks. That now puts me within three Kevin Bacon degrees of separation with the entire comic book industry and half of Hollywood.

He also mentioned that Angelina Jolie is horribly typecast as Grendel’s Mother. His dry British wit masked all sense of sarcasm. He does seem particularly amused that Beowulf will, come hell or highwater, open worldwide on November 22, 2007. I know I will be there.
Blatant Comment Whoring: What author would you like to meet?
I would love to meet either David Baldacci or James Patterson.
Michele sent me.
Jane Austen. Living? I don't know!
My real comment, though, is that I took a screenwriting class with Peter Beagle in college.
Nice guy, interesting stories. Not a very good instructor.
Nick Hornby would be very cool. He has a book tour this summer but I will be on vacation when he hits DC.
Cool. I have a white cover "Good Omens", too.
Hmm. What writer would I like to meet? I've met Issac Asimov, Harlan Ellison, James Blish, Fred Pohl, and even Joel Achenbach.
After I meet you, stick a fork in me. I'm done!
Hmm, I forgot Clive Barker and Douglas Adams.
Other than Neil Gaiman?
Harper Lee, but I don't think I could keep from gushing.
Neil Peart, Linda Goodman, J.K. Rowling... would be the top three - we are looking at a massive list here.
I wish I could have met Douglas Adams.
J.K. Rowling would be on my list, as well as Alison Weir.
You seriously get to meet all the kewl people Yellowjkt!!! I'm jealous. If I could meet any author, it would have to be Stephen King, hands down. I'd love to be email buddies with him. ;)
I heart Neil Gaiman! You are so lucky. I would probably meet JD Salinger, followed by Terry Pratchett, followed by CS Lewis and Robert Sheckley.
Here from Michele's... good blog! I checked your weblog review. I found it hilarious that the reviewer tried to look up foma in a dictionary.
neil gaiman has a really good blog, btw. i assume he's still keeping it up (haven't checked it in a few months). i'd also want to meet mark helprin, phil rickman, terry pratchett, and i'd really really like to meet louise erdrich. and i definitely hope my heaven includes douglas adams.
Heh, I've met both Nick Hornby and Stephen King. My #1 pick, as it has been for years & years, is Anne Tyler. I lived less than a mile away for her for about 10 years, and it never happened. Sigh...
I think you would have to seriously stalk Anne Tyler. She is almost Salinger/Pynchon reclusive. I bought her new book, but haven't gotten around to reading it yet.
Hmm. I got to meet Isaac Asimov at my first Science Fiction convention, which was primarily Star Trek. I was in 10th grade, so we're talking about two years before the first movie came out. That was pretty cool, and it turned out that we had an acquaintance in common. So we had a longer-than-usual chat.
Steven Pinker was a very nice guy to meet with as well. I got to see him speak at the Museum of Natural History in New York City and met him afterwards.
Who I'd like to meet? Neal Stephenson, no question. You think I can talk him into the further adventures of Hiro Protagonist, or at least another look into that specific world?
My faves are all dead. I would have loved to have had a conversation with F. Scott Fitzgerald and Ernest Hemingway. What masters...and such troubled souls.
Dropped by from Michele's today.
Same as Claude. I'd like to meet Stephenson. I met him at a signing in a really small bookstore about 10 years ago but he'd just had some back problems and wasn't doing all that great. I'm amazed he did the book tour.
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