The route through the park is a gorgeous winding road that climbs up to elevations over 12,000 feet. At one of the meadows, we stopped for a trio of elk that were grazing on the tundra. Once the novelty of the elk wore off, we realized they were everywhere. Anyplace we saw a group of cars pulled off the road, we knew more elk were nearby.

Four hours after we started our detour, we found ourselves a net 60 miles west of where we had started the day. That meant a white knuckle ride at dusk through the Colorado River canyon along I-70 and three hours along a two lane road in pitch darkness to make Salt Lake City. Still, it was a detour well worth making.
Blatant Comment Whoring™: What was the best unexpected sidetrip you have ever taken?
Ah, the Rocky Mountains. I used to live there. RMNP is one of the most wonderful parks in the universe, far as I'm concerned. You can drive through it, you can mountain climb, or you can backpack and leave the world behind.
What a great sidetrip. I'm jealous !
My best sidetrip was to Oregon State Dunes, Mt. St. Helens and Yellowstone. We intended to go to Yosemite, but due to overcrowding that summer, the gates to the park were closed, so after visiting friends in Northern California, we went North and then West to get home instead of South.
Great picture of the elk. He looks like he's so used to people taking his picture.
I've taken some great sidetrips through New England in autumn, but I can't think of a single unexpected one that was memorable. :::sigh::: How boring.
Great picture of the elk.
matt called it. Denver as the Mile High City is not as impressive when you consider that the Grand Canyon is at 7000 feet and RMNP is 10,000-12,000 high.
i love the mountains, but eventually i get claustrophobic in them. it's like living in a bowl. i much prefer being able to see my dog run away...and run away...and run away :)
i did the I-70 trip thru colorado - that's along the natural bridge right? absolutely beautiful! that and arizona were my favorite "scenic" parts of an otherwise EXHAUSTING cross-country drive. i took an off-shoot through arizona cuz i wanted to drive through an indian reservation - stopped my car on the side of the road in the desert and couldn't see another living person or building as far as the eye could see - quite a humbling experience!
btw - i got a speeding ticket in utah doing the drive...
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