Encouraged by our backstage door photographing and autograph hunting on previous trips to New York, we decided that rather than seeing a different show the night before, we would try to get Julia Robert’s autograph and/or picture instead.
For this we would need a strategy. Previously, we had figured out that big stars tend to just camp out in the theater between the Saturday matinee and evening performances, so there was no use in being in Times Square until Saturday evening. Instead we drove up to New York Saturday morning and went to the Frick Gallery and had a great dinner at Vermicelli’s on the Upper East Side (thanks to Carol for the tip).
We checked into our hotel next to Grand Central Station and left our kid to his own devices for the evening. Here is the run down for the rest of the trip (times are approximate):
9:00 pm: We took the Times Square Shuttle from Grand Central Station. Then we walked down 42nd St to 8th Avenue and up to 45th.
9:20: Just past the theater for Avenue Q is the Jacobs where Three Days of Rain is playing. A crowd of about a dozen people is standing behind an imaginary line just outside the stage door.
9:25: We get in the crowd behind some other people. A mother with her daughter had seen the matinee show and had come back for autographs. There were a couple of guys with big cameras hanging around the curb. Someone tells us they usually come out about 10:30.

9:30: I take some pictures of the poster and the marquis to make sure everything is working with our compact digital camera.
9:35: A lady with a whole lot of flyers for The Caine Mutiny keeps handing them out telling us not to miss David Schwimmer next door.
9:45: Bored, I start checking out the other shows on the street. 45th Street this month is a great place for fans of Must See TV. Both Julia Roberts and Paul Rudd had been guest stars on Friends. In the next theater over, David Schwimmer from Friends and Tim Daly from Wings are in The Caine Mutiny. Across the street, Julianna Margulies from ER is in Festen.
9:50: A black GMC Yukon pulls up and parks just opposite the stage door. The driver gets out and shoos people to a line behind his doors.
9:55: Festen across the street lets out.
10:00: A security guy in suit comes by and spends about 5 minutes putting up security barricades in front of us. Across the way between the stage door and the theater exits, he builds a little pen with the gates. Anyone that tries to get in gets chased out.

10:10: A fan spots Julianna in front of the Schubert Theater and asks to take a picture with her. Julianna then notices me and asks if I want a picture too. She stands still enough for a good shot and I thank her. I feel like some awkward stalker because she is so nice to me.
10:12: Back at the Jacobs, the crowd has gotten bigger. My wife is wedged between a guy holding an enormous camera and a 6’-3” tall female German tourist. I work my way up to right behind the German tourist and her normal sized friend.
10:15: The guy with big camera tells everybody they might not come out until 11:30 or later. Someone else says that she never comes to this side of line because we aren’t people that have seen the show.
10:20: The show lets out and a huge crowd of people piles into the gated pen on the other side. The crowd rolls out into the street and cops and security guys keep telling people they have to get out of the road. This AP article describes the insanity.
10:30: Every time a security guy goes in or out of the door, the huge mob starts waving programs and taking pictures until they realize it’s a false alarm.
10:38: A woman my wife recognizes as Julia’s mother comes out and gets in the SUV.

10:42: Julia comes to our side and my wife furiously waves her 8-1/2” x 11” e-ticket for tomorrow’s show in front of her. Julia takes out a Sharpie and signs it. I furiously snap pictures but the Amazon German girl keeps waving her hand in front of me.
10:43: Julia signs a few more things, ignoring the guy behind my wife with a bunch of enormous professionally printed posters.
10:44: Julia, having yet to say a single word to anyone, runs into the SUV and it drives off. The guys with huge cameras all hightail it out of there.

10:55: Paul Rudd comes out and works the line, also signing my wife’s ticket.

11:00: We walk back to the hotel ecstatic about getting the entire cast to sign the ticket for tomorrow’s show. We vow to frame it with the Playbill and any of our pictures that come out decent.
The next day we went to the actual show and thoroughly enjoyed it. As we left the theater we veered over into the veal pen for patrons, but never got closer than about four people deep from the security barricades. On the other side, we could see the same guys with the big cameras that were crowding my wife the night before.

The press has not been very kind to Julia. The Washington Post says "that the pretty woman is pretty much in over her head." The New York Times compares her performance to "the unyielding stiffness of an industrial lamppost". I agree with many of the points the reviews make, but they seem to be going out of their way to pile on.
In conclusion we decided that Julia was being as nice as possible under the circumstances and that the real paparazzi are incredible assholes that get whatever they deserve when some celebrity hauls off and hits them.
Over two shows, we think Julia signed about a dozen people’s items and we were lucky enough to be among them. Thanks for the autograph, Julia. It’s a special treat we will keep forever with our memories.

All photographs are ©yellojkt and cannot be used without permission. Go get your own any Tuesday through Sunday night on 45th Street in front of the Jacobs Theater until June 18. Or visit here or here for more paparazzi style shots.
I think you have a future in the paparazzi, yello...
My big score in this whole scenario would have been Paul Rudd. I think I would have been unable to resist pulling out some 40-Year-Old Virginisms on him. "Hey Paul, do you know how I know you're gay? Because you're in a Broadway show!"
Now I have to go rent 40-Year-Old Virgin.
Fun trivia: Paul Rudd and Bradley Cooper were also both in Wet Hot American Summer.
It looks like you're not alone in your assessment of Julia's performance. Yahoo has this story listed on their homepage right now.
Which one's her autograph? Haha, I laughed at J-Po. You have a future with the Paparazzi.
Julia's signature is the rather cryptic JR in blue near the bottom It closely resembles one we saw on a "Pretty Woman" poster for sale at DisneyWorld for several hundred dollars.
Aw, she's just a girl doing this thing on stage, cut her some slack...
Of course, I have my own secret Julia Roberts affinity, I could never in a billion kajillion years essplain it, so there it is. I think she's fabulous. So there.
Great photos and great story, yello. You rock. :)
"Paparazzi" sounds so much nicer and safer than "stalker." :)
I am so jealous right now. Not because I want to get a bunch of autographs or photos, but of the opportunity. You two are so lucky!
I am immune to Julia Roberts's charms, but your trip to New York sounds like a lot of fun.
I'm nervous around celebrities and they don't have to be big stars like Julia. My daughter is a theater buff so whenever we go to community theater shows we always get the program signed and she schmoozes with the actors. It makes me uncomfortable to be standing next to someone I've just seen on stage. Like, I'm not worthy.
"Stalker" is such a strong word.
Butt there it is.
Sounds like the yellojkt clan had a good time in the Big Apple.
All Grande Dames have Broadway acting chops, don't they? One has to wonder if Ms. Roberts is doing this Broadway gig as a preemptive strike for her posterity before her posteriority becomes incidental.
Motivation is a purely speculative issue. She sure is taking a pay cut to do it. She coulc make about $19.5 million more in yet another romantic comedy.
It could be purely for the experience and the challenge. When you're as rich as her, you can do what you want.
It's probably also for the cred. Based on the reviews, I'm not sure how much this show is helping her. Definitely lowers expectations for her next play.
sounds like fun! great pics and stalker is such a strong word. lol. I've gotten to meet some really neat people over the years and I'm never comfy gettin autographs. hubby was able to get OJ Simpson's a few years ago. That's a little ewky for me lol.
I've been linked to by a Dutch blog. If anyone knows what it says, let me know. As you might expect, the Babelfish translation is gibberish.
Lucky you! And for the record, I would have been just as geeked about Bradley and Paul; they're adorable.
I waved at the exit for Ellicot City on my way up 95 on Wednesday, coming home from DC.
I'm seeing the show Saturday night (my mom & I are in LITERALLY the back 2 seats - not even next to each other but behind one another), and what I really want to know is, do a lot of people clear out after Julia? I'm as big a fan of her as the average person, but I would rather just get a chance to meet Paul and Bradley than get trampled trying to reach her. Please post reply if you read this. Thanks.
After the show, the trick is to go out the far right door at the exit and immediately turn right into the "veal pen". While the crowd gets less frantic after Julia leaves, it stays pretty congested by the stage door. The guys do sign more things, but they don't stick around long.
I've seen plenty of shows from the nose bleed seats and you should have a good view. The theater is small to medium by Broadway standards, only about 1000 seats.
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Workout Now i have attempted weight reduction without workout and most effective ate, i will inform you, it's far very difficult! It’s smooth to do your process in a gym due to the fact in case you locate the quit and discover what’s occurring along with your food in case you’re within the gymnasium then it won't hurt you. Instant Keto tablets Ketogenic buy new clothes It’s true to shop for some “thin” clothes to remind you of in which you are attempting. Try to match your thin wardrobe to check your progress closer to your purpose sometimes. Need to lose belly fats?
Instant Keto Purchaser’s opinions
Jenny Hales Says – With an extra consumption of beer and junk foods, it precipitated cholesterol formation in the frame that raised my tummy fat. This become a very awful affect as no get dressed suited for my waistline. One way or the other on my pal’s idea, I attempted the use of Instant Keto , and within three weeks there had been enough outcomes to cherish and experience a slim parent.
Instant Keto isn’t awesome for lowering the weight, however on the equal time it’s precious for increasing the intensity of your muscle tissues. There are special fixings inside which assist consolidate an increasing number of proteins for your body, and that is the purpose your muscle mass will be invigorated.
How to shop for Super Keto Burn?
Due to the excessive popularity if this advanced weight loss complement, the call for for this product could be very excessive. The makers produce a constrained amount of products each day. Therefore, the opportunity of being stock out is excessive. We propose all of the involved consumers of this incredible weight reduction product to location an order now and at ease their packages.
The problem Instant Keto :
Fats stores at the frame as carbs are burned as an clean power fuel. Essentialy we advantage greater weight yr after 12 months.
Carbs aren't the body’s perfect source of electricity consequently we are generally left feeling tired, harassed and tired at the stop of every day.
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BizNutrition Shark Tank treats the reasons of weight problems and obese
The extra of body weight is the result of energy imbalance which takes place because of the excess garage of fat cells within the frame.
Does BizNutrition fat burn supplement have any aspect-outcomes?
In reality no longer, the urge for food controller cum fat burn formula does not include any unwanted facet-consequences. It help reduce belly fat, ends in attractive lean discern within the least time period. Also, the substances utilized in its making are free of fillers, binders and GMO.
Benefits of Super Keto Burn
This weight loss complement contains energy-efficient exogenous ketone our bodies that put your frame into ketosis nation for beginning the fat-burning system. This ends in the initiation of the dietary ketosis manner inside the body. Finally, it turns your frame into a furnace that melts the excess fats collected within the frame evidently and appropriately.
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Instant keto Conclusion
Instant keto surprisingly advocated weight loss product. Instant keto is definitely a innovative product that will increase greater kilograms of inadequate areas. It includes herbal substances that have been authorised tested for his or her activeness. Therefore, the reliability of the product is guaranteed. Although, the agency offers a one hundred% money returned assure.
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SurgenXKeto – introduction
SurgenX Keto is a herbal dietary complement that helps to shed pounds of weight in a quicker way. This complement consists of herbal elements that in a position your frame to offer extra power and strength. Basically, keto dietary supplements paintings on ketones, those ketones when excessively produced within the body it triggers ketosis. All through the ketosis procedure, all your big fat molecules are removed and this way it increases the energy of the human body.
Slim Fast Keto Boost The high-quality element is that this solution works certainly, which makes it exclusive. This is especially due to the herbal composition. But the loss of harmful chemical substances and synthetic compounds additionally plays a vast position. Essentially, such components come within the corporation of aspect results. Those are generally found in over the counter solutions, that is what makes them really dangerous to take.
Luxe Trim Weight Loss What Are The substances In Luxe Trim Weight Loss?
Apple cider vinegar is the leading factor in this system. Many research has proven the wonderful advantages of this ingredient. Studies have shown that apple cider vinegar is the most beneficial element with regard to the consumption of fats in the frame. It additionally facilitates in the appreciable manipulate over your appetite.
Super Keto Burn Reviews Beneath-aged are suggested in opposition to the use of this complement.
Human beings going through any form of hypersensitive reactions are recommended towards using this complement.
Overdosing is strictly disapproved in any situations.
Awaiting/breastfeeding girls are suggested now not to use this supplement.
Humans with a scientific injury historical past are encouraged not to use this supplement.
Tier 2 Keto 5 motives to keep away from
Inside the wake of taking a gander at the enhancement in element, we have arrived at the decision which you must abstain from utilising it regardless of what.
The enhancement isn’t made by remembering client intrigue but through staying with the’s enthusiasm for concept.
Benefits Of Super Keto Burn
Super Keto Burn is the great eating regimen supplement that works in safe fashion to deliver outstanding effects at the body. I might now provide an explanation for some regularly occurring advantages of the use of this weight-reduction plan complement that is stated beneath.
Tier 2 Keto realizing they are overweight, people would for you to eliminate the excess weight at the soonest possible moment. Wedding ceremony of this, a lot of individuals just get doing a few mistakes such as trying nearly every accessible weight loss supplements near.
How to shop for it? :
Highway 87 Keto Before everything, visit the internet site then login together with your required identification proof and additionally enter the cope with to that you want this product to be sent. After that fill all of the vital information and also the primary details about you and also your mobile wide variety in order that the shipping government can attain you without problems. After that make sure you pay the whole amount for the product after which it is going to be introduced to you very soon on time.
Tier 2 Keto The entirety you do is take two Tier 2 Keto instances in the direction of the beginning of the day with water. You have to see an first rate jolt of power that encourages you continue to be advantageous and dynamic at some stage in the day. Persist with keto-accommodating eating and it’s constantly fitting to hit the rec center or exercise as often as could be anticipated under the occasions. Make use of the enhancement for thirty days. From that point forward, you should see an surprising exchange on your body!
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is designed to help get into and stay in ketosis. Exogenous Ketones help you get into Ketosis faster which means faster to the body and healthy lifestyle you want.
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Bluoxyn Male Enhancement The surge in sex drive and electricity: So it’s critical to have sufficient sexual energy, the energy which you haven’t had earlier than. Supply your best so that it will gain the goals of your desire and your partners’ preference efficiently.
Are There Any aspect results of Keto Trim 800 tablets?
It is one of the fitness complement which evidently growth Ketone manufacturing and offer you healthy blessings. In this, you do now not need to worry approximately the aspect outcomes because it has no intervention of any harmful preservatives or components.
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Purchaser score:
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Keto BodyTone This new product has all of the rumors from dieters to clients. It's miles a very herbal weight loss plan complement that allows you quick reach the country of your ketosis and save you anxiety. It makes use of a scientifically formulated formula to avoid slow changes in carbohydrate and fat electricity. A special ingredient of Keto BodyTone is beta-hydroxybutyrate, which efficiently penetrates the blood and brain barrier and adjustments metabolism.
Bluoxyn Male Enhancement The nutritional supplement begins displaying its results very soon if someone makes use of it frequently as in keeping with the instructions are provided at the bundle or as in line with the health practitioner’s recommendation. The complement can reach the location from your machine for which it’s been advanced.
If any consumer isn't pleased with the results, he can return the complement and ask for a refund. The commercial enterprise presents a a hundred% money-back assure for the unsatisfied people.
Rapid Fast Keto Boost components, preservatives, or chemical compounds. Makers now offer one hundred% cash lower back assure on all bottles. You could test their official website to know greater about the product collection and pricing.
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• if you’re needing to have a smart body, digestion of weight loss plan in a right way is critical. Its precise formulation makes it unique. This enables to digest your meals faster and in higher means below ordinary conditions.
• ought to aspect outcomes for your frame. If you adopt a normal keto weight loss plan wherein you have to go away some meals that’s mean you’re lacking a few important nutrients and this supplement results in fulfilling that loss. Makes you loose from all keto food plan symptoms which you can face in the beginning of weight loss plan. Don’t worry approximately that, while you change your consumption suddenly_ your frame doesn’t recognise a way to eat that.
Keto Trim 800 These dietary supplements are medically confirmed this means that which you do no thave to worry about something apart from not the usage of these supplements. These keto pills are very useful in your body and you ought to attempt these.
Tier 2 Keto Weight Loss however they all want to reap a slender fit frame shape in order that they also can appearance extremely good at the same time as going out.
You must understand that weight problems comes with many different troubles as nicely other than your unpleasant body figure. Troubles like diabetes and the hazard of heart stroke also elevated in which your obesity hassle isn't always going faraway from the frame. Tier 2 Keto Weight Loss is an answer for all such troubles because it's far going to dispose of your dangerous frame fats.
Keto BodyTone It has been found that an increasing number of people are suffering from obesity problem. And the range of people laid low with obesity is hastily increasing. Obesity is caused by the consumption of unhealthy food. Consuming food which incorporates a excessive amount of cholesterol may be very harmful. The people who devour a high amount of fat via exceptional foods often suffer from overweight trouble.
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The sector goes not worthy because of the fats peoples, and this isn't always appropriate, now not for the sector, however for you. Having a body that is overweighted is a domestic for health ailment, and that’s why all people try for weight loss. However how will you lose your weight properly I recommend cross for the keto weight loss plan, because this is a tremendous approach for weight reduction, even I also lose my excess body fats through this eating regimen.
Customers evaluation on Always Lean Keto
Alexa: This weight loss supplement has become my favored. It's so mild on my pocket that I do now not want to purchase some other product. Furthermore, with the help of Always Lean Keto , i've turn out to be more lively.
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By welcoming Always Lean Keto drugs in your lifestyles begin your weight loss adventure and ensure that you are quite happy with the physique that you are getting after eating it.
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Chaudhry brutally beaten On one occasion in the video, Talal Chaudhry could hear telling police officers. That he could “take note of the contacts of all these ‘his’ women and call anyone he wanted [to confirm the facts].” ۔“I’m standing here,” he says, “before his phone restored, the truth will come out.”He then asks the police officers to take the matter to the senior superintendent of police, who can see calling one of the officers superior.The Faisalabad City Police Officer (CPO) told Geo News that no party has yet tried to register the case.Meanwhile, while talking to Geo News, the brother of the MNA lawmaker denied all reports of a quarrel with Chaudhry.
The incident took place at 3 am on September 24, according to police.
In a video obtained by Geo News, People can see Chaudhry talking to police officers outside a residence, complaining of a broken arm.
“They snatched my phone and recorded a video from me.”
After checking Chaudhry for information, he said that Talal Chaudhry called for party work, without revealing his residence.
Talal Chaudhry brutally beaten
Chaudhry brutally beaten
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