Thursday, March 29, 2007
NCCCC: Best Evil Anthropomorphic Animal
Enough with people. Now it is time to move on to non-human characters in the National Coolest Comics Character Contest. And I don't mean the cute critters like Marmaduke and Heathcliff, we want to look at the talking animals we love to hate.
All comics can be divided into the ones that include talking animals and the ones that don’t. This really has nothing to do with the quality of the strip, it just sets a different tone. Some of the funniest strips are the ones where at least one of the talking animals is a complete jerk. Animal characters get to do and say things real people could never get away with. Garfield once aspired to this territory, but he descended into a Disney-fied marketing machine never to emerge. The real successes are the edgy but funny takes.
Breed Standards: While the exact personality can vary, a “good” evil character is unrepentantly self-absorbed. Think Danny Devito from Taxi. An evil animal should have several recurring victims and never show any remorse. Any actual resemblance in personality to the base animal type is a bonus.
Faults: Cuteness. Any sense of humanity whatsoever.
So there they are. Cast your vote and determine which is the funniest and evilest at the same time.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Nerd Tools

What is the oldest holy war in the technology world?
Internet Explorer vs Firefox?
Windows vs Mac?
Fortran vs Pascal?
It’s none of these. If you really want to start some bad blood between nerds of a certain age, start an argument about Texas Instruments vs Hewlett Packard. The Calculator Wars was one of the first battlegrounds between ease of use and computing horsepower. What calculator you used was considered a sign of how serious you took your studies.
When I started Calculus my junior year in high school, I was very proud of my brand new state-of-the-art Texas Instruments TI-30 scientific calculator. It had an exponential number display and everything. A friend in the class who would go onto to do great things in robotics (you can see his work in this video) had a Hewlett Packard HP-34C and would try to convince me of its superiority. It had some rudimentary programming ability and he taught it some parlor tricks, but I couldn’t see the big deal.
I decided I needed a new calculator to start college with, so I got the sleek brand new TI-55-II. Well, the TI-55-II was a complete piece of crap. On mine, the “7” key in particular was sticky to the point of rendering the thing unusable. Besides, I saw a lot of fellow engineering students using the newest HP and I had to have one. Per pressure is mighty powerful.

I eventually bought along an HP-11C as a back-up calculator and even taught my wife how to use a HP-12C. For awhile it looked like the 12C might finally let HP make inroads into the general population. The HP-12C with its financial functions became the default calculator for real estate professionals. It showed professionalism and class. I think they also like the gold trim. The rest of the world remained unimpressed.
When my HP-41 bit the dust, I was heart broken. I searched for a replacement and found the HP-32S which was true RPN but lacked many of the advanced functions I had gotten accustomed to. I ended up hunting down a HP-48G which had a four-line display and used RPN notation. RPN entry is my theft prevention device. Younger engineers that have never seen a decent calculator take a look at it and put it down in bewilderment. The absence of an ‘=’ button befuddles them. They just don’t understand. It makes me shake my head in disbelief that someone can get an engineering degree without mastering RPN.

Am I a true HP/RPN geek?
I never learned synthetic programming. I never used a calculator serial port as a data acquisition tool. I have never downloaded a program (even though somewhere I have a cable to do it with). But to know I could have done these things if I wanted to is enough. Not unexpectedly, there are a lot of web pages devoted to vintage calculators, both HP and TI.
Hewlett Packard has lost the Calculator Wars. Texas Instruments with its graphing calculators moved into the middle school and high school market and overtook the hearts and minds of impressionable algebra and trig students. My son has a whole draw full of TI-83s and 89s and who knows what else. The power of Excel and the ubiquity of laptop computer make all the advanced functions of a true scientific calculator obsolete.
I feel like on of my professor that lamented the loss of slide rules. To him, a slide rule was a badge of honor to be wore on a belt. A phallic symbol that showed you were a true engineer. A craftsman is known by his tools. I may never use anything much more complicated than the square root key, but I continue to use my HP with pride. Like a badge of honor.
BlatantCommentWhoring™:What are the tools of your trade?
Sunday, March 25, 2007
NCCCC: Hottest CILF Soap Division
We now move to one of the most anticipated divisions of the National Coolest Comic Character Competition. Soap opera strips have an advantage over humor strips in that their female characters can be drawn much more realistically. And by “realistic” I mean “just like the cover of a 1950s romance comic book cover.” The soap strips can really manipulate the perspective and action to play up the female characters best, er, assets. Let's take a closer look.
‘Fess up and vote and leave fantasy scenarios in the comments.
Update (7:00 p.m.): In the comments, Josh (THE Comics Curmudgeon) suggested that I was sandbagging June and Abbey by using unflattering pictures of them. The original pictures came off the official websites of their strip. When I got to Brenda Starr, the official picture was so hideous, I went to the strips themselves for the other three finalists.
In fairness, I have added extra pictures to each character, one "official" one and a recent clip from the newspaper. I even threw in an extra one of Abbey's tush. The one of Liz is particularly frumpy and is a serious downgrade from the picture of her sitting on a teacher desk in a short skirt and swinging her legs that used to grace her official site.
Besides, I'm sure nobody was judging these characters solely on physical attractiveness and were dilligently evaluating poise, intelligence, and personality as well. Right?
Saturday, March 24, 2007
NCCCC - Hottest CILF Comics Division
The second weekend of hot, and I do mean hot, National Coolest Comics Character Competition. We have covered teenagers and little kids and now it's time for the grown-ups. We are now looking for the the hottest CILF (Comic I would Like..., oh, go rent American Pie if you don't get it) in the intentionally funny comic strips. And sorry ladies, no men made the cut. Maybe next year we can do Hunkiest Closet Case.
First off, let’s clarify who is not eligible in this category: The entire female cast of Liberty Meadows. Jen, et. al., while the best drawn GGA-style characters ever to grace the funny pages have been gone from the first run newspaper comics for several years. Fanboys can roll up their tongues and move on. The no dead comics rule also takes out Daisy Mae from L’il Abner. Moving on, let’s take a look at the hawtest girls in the funny papers.
So vote with your heart, or whatever organ you are evaluating the comics with and explain why in the best PG-13 language you can muster.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
It's Academic Sneak Peak
A few weeks ago, my son came home with a permission slip. If it weren’t for permission slips, we would have no idea what he was up to. He nonchalantly mentioned he was captain of the school It’s Academic team.
It’s Academic, as a recent Washington Post article on stupid game shows explained, is the last of the 1950s style quiz shows where teams of high school students compete in academic trivia, hence the name. If you have ever seen The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes or the greatest episode ever of Boy Meets World, you know what I mean.
I was baffled by the synchronicity of it since I had just finished reading two books on quiz shows. A lot of Jeopardy champions get their start on the local high school and college trivia circuit.
My son had never even seen the show. Ten in the morning on a Saturday is not in his schedule. Fortunately the miracle of the interwebs means you can find anything. WJZ has a whole section of previous episodes available on line.

And then the competition started. The questions seem easy, but they come so fast it's tough to keep up. A twenty five minute quiz show goes by real fast. The pace is nerve-wracking to watch, so I can’t imagine what it’s like to be on the other side of the lights.
The show airs on Baltimore’s WJZ Channel 13 this Saturday (March 24) at 10 am. I’ll have both a VCR and a DVD-R running so that every second can be preserved for posterity. I won’t spoil the suspense by telling you who won, but would I be posting this if it were humiliating?
BlatantCommentWhoring™: Have you ever been on TV or involved with some sort of game show?
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Torqueberto: The Musical
Earlier this week, in a snarky Wonkette comment, I gave our current (check for latest status) Attorney General the nickname "Torqueberto". Comparing the author of the discredited government torture policy to the infamous Grand Inquisitor of the Spanish Inquisition (which nobody ever expects) is not a new idea. But I think I am the first to create the portmanteau “Torqueberto” . It’s a great shorthand for the real reason why Gonzales should not be holding the highest law enforcement office in the country, he has no respect for the rule of law or the rights of individual.
I hereby register the phrase “Torqueberto”
If you want cheap shot parody, read on.
In addition to the much-quoted Monty Python sketch, the hilarity of the Spanish Inquisition was immortalized in Mel Brooks' The History Of The World, Part I with an upbeat dance production. With a little updating it can also be modernized to show how much fun religously motivated torture can still be.

(Nobody Expects) The Bush Administration
[Hooded monk speaks to the camera, and introduces
the lead singer for the next number...]
All pay heed! Now enters his holiness, Torqueberto,
the Attorney General of the Bush Administration.
Torqueberto - sends retards to the electric chair.
Torqueberto - fires lawyers for no reason at all.
Torqueberto - calls torture just a frat prank.
Let's face it - this guy is gonna take a fall!
[Al Gonzales and his lackeys singing...]
Bush Administration (We run the nation)
Bush Administration (Let’s have a celebration)
We had a mission to invade Iraq (‘Raq, ‘Raq, ‘Raq, ‘Raq, ‘Raq, ‘Raq, ‘Raq)
We're gonna rule them for certain.
We're gonna hire Haliburton
and take all the oil fields away. (Just take them away)
Confess, don't be boring.
Say yes, don't be dull.
A fact you're ignoring:
It's better to lose your keffiyeh than your keister (Allāhu Akbar!)
Bush Administration (run by Rove)
Bush Administration (Scooter says so)
We know you're wishin' that we'd go away.
But the Bush Administration lies and it lies every day!
[Cut to two old Muslim mullahs hanging by their wrists
who start talking to each other]
"I was sitting in a mosque. I was minding my own business.
I was listening to a lovely Koran mass.
Then these Neocon persons plundered and they throw me in a dungeon
and they shove a red hot poker up my ass.
Is that considerate? Is that polite?
And not a tube of Preparation H in sight!"
"I'm sittin' knittin’ prayer rugs
and I'm renditioned by some thugs
and suddenly these infidels chain me to a wall.
I didn't even know them
and they grabbed me by the scrotum
and started hooking batteries to my balls!
Ooh, the agony! Ooh, the shame!
To make my privates public for a game?"
[Back to Al and his lackeys singing...]
Bush Administration (run by cronies)
Bush Administration (that's no baloney)
We know you're wishin' that we'd go away.
But the Bush Administration's here and it's here to-
[Someone calls over to Torqueberto while in the middle of a routine ...]
"Hey Torqueberto, walk this way."
"I just got back from the Abu-Ghraib."
" Abu-Ghraib? What's an Abu-Ghraib?"
"It's where waterboardin’ ain’t torture, babe!"
[Torqueberto speaks to a row of prisoners]
Will you convert? "No, no, no, no."
Will you confess? "No, no, no, no."
Will you revert? "No, no, no, no."
Will you say yes? "No, no, no, no!"
Now I asked in a nice way, I said, "Waste more money."
"I let them hang Hussein, now I'll hunt down Sistani!"
[Someone calls over to Torqueberto again ...]
"Hey Torqueberto, walk this way.
We got a little game that you might wanna play,
just say ‘WMD’ and invade foreign soil."
"Who knows, Al, you might win some oil!"
[Torqueberto, spins a huge slot machine, with Arabs in place of the cherries, lucky 7's, etc. on the slot wheel. It comes up a winner, and gold starts pouring out of the machine. Torqueberto leans over to a flunky and says, "Give it to Cheney..."]
"How we doin', any terrorists today?"
"Not a one, nay, nay, nay."
"We flattened their fingers, we branded their buns!
Nothing is working! Send in the pun-dits!"
[A bunch of Fox News pundits appear surrounding a pool of water. They shad their robes to reveal bathing suits, dive into the pool, and perform an old-style aquatic musical number. Some Iraqis are seen shooting down slides and into the water. The pundits surround the Iraqis, and pull them under water. Than the rest of the cast joins for the big chorus line at the end of the song..]
Bush Administration, way down in the polls.
Bush Administration, cause we sold our souls.
We know you're wishin' that we'd go away!
So all you Iranians and you Iraqis
We got big news: listen to the fact-i’s:
You'd better change your point of views TODAY!
'Cause the Bush Administration lies. Just ask Tom Delay!
[Hooded monk speaks to the camera, and introduces
the lead singer for the next number...]
All pay heed! Now enters his holiness, Torqueberto,
the Attorney General of the Bush Administration.
Torqueberto - sends retards to the electric chair.
Torqueberto - fires lawyers for no reason at all.
Torqueberto - calls torture just a frat prank.
Let's face it - this guy is gonna take a fall!
[Al Gonzales and his lackeys singing...]
Bush Administration (We run the nation)
Bush Administration (Let’s have a celebration)
We had a mission to invade Iraq (‘Raq, ‘Raq, ‘Raq, ‘Raq, ‘Raq, ‘Raq, ‘Raq)
We're gonna rule them for certain.
We're gonna hire Haliburton
and take all the oil fields away. (Just take them away)
Confess, don't be boring.
Say yes, don't be dull.
A fact you're ignoring:
It's better to lose your keffiyeh than your keister (Allāhu Akbar!)
Bush Administration (run by Rove)
Bush Administration (Scooter says so)
We know you're wishin' that we'd go away.
But the Bush Administration lies and it lies every day!
[Cut to two old Muslim mullahs hanging by their wrists
who start talking to each other]
"I was sitting in a mosque. I was minding my own business.
I was listening to a lovely Koran mass.
Then these Neocon persons plundered and they throw me in a dungeon
and they shove a red hot poker up my ass.
Is that considerate? Is that polite?
And not a tube of Preparation H in sight!"
"I'm sittin' knittin’ prayer rugs
and I'm renditioned by some thugs
and suddenly these infidels chain me to a wall.
I didn't even know them
and they grabbed me by the scrotum
and started hooking batteries to my balls!
Ooh, the agony! Ooh, the shame!
To make my privates public for a game?"
[Back to Al and his lackeys singing...]
Bush Administration (run by cronies)
Bush Administration (that's no baloney)
We know you're wishin' that we'd go away.
But the Bush Administration's here and it's here to-
[Someone calls over to Torqueberto while in the middle of a routine ...]
"Hey Torqueberto, walk this way."
"I just got back from the Abu-Ghraib."
" Abu-Ghraib? What's an Abu-Ghraib?"
"It's where waterboardin’ ain’t torture, babe!"
[Torqueberto speaks to a row of prisoners]
Will you convert? "No, no, no, no."
Will you confess? "No, no, no, no."
Will you revert? "No, no, no, no."
Will you say yes? "No, no, no, no!"
Now I asked in a nice way, I said, "Waste more money."
"I let them hang Hussein, now I'll hunt down Sistani!"
[Someone calls over to Torqueberto again ...]
"Hey Torqueberto, walk this way.
We got a little game that you might wanna play,
just say ‘WMD’ and invade foreign soil."
"Who knows, Al, you might win some oil!"
[Torqueberto, spins a huge slot machine, with Arabs in place of the cherries, lucky 7's, etc. on the slot wheel. It comes up a winner, and gold starts pouring out of the machine. Torqueberto leans over to a flunky and says, "Give it to Cheney..."]
"How we doin', any terrorists today?"
"Not a one, nay, nay, nay."
"We flattened their fingers, we branded their buns!
Nothing is working! Send in the pun-dits!"
[A bunch of Fox News pundits appear surrounding a pool of water. They shad their robes to reveal bathing suits, dive into the pool, and perform an old-style aquatic musical number. Some Iraqis are seen shooting down slides and into the water. The pundits surround the Iraqis, and pull them under water. Than the rest of the cast joins for the big chorus line at the end of the song..]
Bush Administration, way down in the polls.
Bush Administration, cause we sold our souls.
We know you're wishin' that we'd go away!
So all you Iranians and you Iraqis
We got big news: listen to the fact-i’s:
You'd better change your point of views TODAY!
'Cause the Bush Administration lies. Just ask Tom Delay!
Disclaimers and Pleas For Mercy
Mel Brooks: Don’t sue. This is fair use satire. Besides I’ve seen The Producers three times.
Islamic Fundamentalists: Please do not issue a fatwa. This is parody and I don’t approve of torture.
Torqueberto: Don’t use this as a pretext to read my mail, record my phone calls, or check my library records. (I’m probably too late here.)
Our Next Attorney General: Please do something to restore our nation’s reputation as the champion of human rights and individual liberties.
Hat tip to Funny Farm for the original lyrics.
Also see bc's playhouse for a first draft of the Torqeuberto resignation letter.
Monday, March 19, 2007
I’m not very good at keeping trap of the milestones that I pass as a blogger, mostly because I’m not very good at keeping track of them. Sometimes I don’t even know which one to mark. This is my 300th post since I started this particular blog. I let the 100th and 200th slip by entirely unnoticed.
My first blog post ever was nearly two years ago on April 4th of 2005, but I didn’t start posting regularly until July of that year. I’m not sure which to celebrate as my blogiversery, so I just ignore both. I certainly have gotten a lot more verbose since that time.
One milestone I have been keeping my eye on was the 100,000 visitor. I was hoping to catch that person and figure out which random Google phrase brought them there. I pretty much figured it would be a LostGoogler, since I tend to blog about Google-bait kind of topics.

My Sitemeter stats only go back 100 visitors, so visitor 100,000 slipped right past me sometime last week. I did notice that a reader right around the 100k mark was from Ypsilanti, Michigan. I only know one person from Ypsi and that is trusy getto. Trusty (not his real name) first commented on my blog back on August 10, 2005 on this rather lame post, proving that I was obsessed with my stats even back then. In some ways, trusty is one of my blog heroes. If a big hot shot lawyer raising two of the cutest little girls in the world can find time to blog, so can I.
It always surprises me when I look at very old posts and see names of commenters that are still around. It’s part of the community develops. I like hearing from people whose blogs I like. I even welcome blurkers that just come by once in awhile to see what’s new.
As I write this, of the last 100 visitors, 72 found there way to my blog from Google or another search engine. Thirteen came from a link on some other site. It’s the other fifteen that are the readers I really want.
Thanks for coming by.
BlatantCommentWhoring™: How long have you been reading my blog?
Sunday, March 18, 2007
NCCCC: Most Precocious Kid In The Comics
The second division of the 2007 National Coolest Comic Character Competition aims its sights at a younger age group than the teenagers. Ever since The Yellow Kid, comic strips have been full of kid characters. Some are defanged menaces, but others are just fodder for dirty diaper jokes (I’m looking at you, Marvin). Some of the most amusing kids in the comics are the wise beyond their years cynics that speak truth to power. It often becomes clear that these pint-sized pundits are really artistic alter egos for their authors.
Normally, this category would be Jason Fox’s to lose, but I’m still bitter about Foxtrot going to Sunday-only. Besides, there are a lot of other worthy moppets out there. Let’s pick the cream of the crop.
Breed Standards: Realism is not a requirement. The kid should be more sophisticated and worldly than real children. A strong familiarity with current events or pop culture is necessary. There should be a mild dark streak, but an underlying sympathy.
Faults: Extreme preachiness. Complete disassociation with childhood experiences. Kids that only talk to straw-man animals are disqualified.
Cast your vote and leave reasons in the comments. This voting software requires that you vote to see results and they sometimes take awhile to post, but your votes are being counted.
Friday, March 16, 2007
NCCCC: Most Realistic Comics Teenager
In the first division of the 2007 National Coolest Comic Character Competition, we are looking for the most realistic teenager. Making fun of teenagers is trickier than it looks. Review the criteria for a funny comic strip teenager and make a choice.
Breed Standards: That right combination of ennui and self-entitlement must be balanced. A good teen character is timeless yet contemporary. Fashions, musical tastes, and fads must keep current even if the character themselves never age. A teenage character and his friends must be instantly recognizable types, but not cliches.
Faults: Corniness. Anachronistic clothes or slang. Tone deafness. Patronizing attitude by the writers to real teenagers.
Now it's your turn. Vote and leave your opinion. It may take a while for your vote to register, but it will get there. Check back later for results and standings.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
March Madness Comics Style
Last year about this time I did a 11 part series I called the National Crappiest Comics Competition or the NCCC™. The competition was a 16 comic single elimination tournament to determine the comic most deserving of elimination from the comics page. BC was about to carry off the trophy when Gil Thorp stole the crown in a very controversial call by the judge, namely me.
This year I am running a different NCCCC or NC^4 which I have called the National Coolest Comics Character Contest. Rather than model it on the NCAA, it will be based instead on the Westminster Kennel Club. I have come up with six archetypal comics characters categories and I will nominate at least four characters in each grouping. Then all the winners of each type will compete for best of show.
Best of all, to avoid last years fiasco, the voting will be public and all readers of this blog are eligible to vote. While I have already determined most of the candidates, I am open to nominations from the floor, subject to approval. The ground rules are pretty simple:
- All characters must be a featured regular cast member of a comic strip currently in newspaper syndication.
- No webcomics, discontinued comics, or comics solely in reruns are eligible. This disqualifies all characters from Peanuts, Liberty Meadows, and Pogo, among others.
- Write-ins are allowed at the sole discretion of the judge. Write-in candidates must otherwise meet all other eligibility criteria.
Without further ado, the categories are:
- Most Realistic Teenager
- Most Precocious Kid
- Hottest CILF – Funny Division
- Hottest CILF – Soap Division
- Best Evil Anthropomorphic Animal
- Most Ambiguously Gay Duo
Remember, instead of last year where I was trying to determine the crappiest comic, this year I want to find the BEST character. Contestants in each category will be kept confidential until the blog post goes live. At that time, I will announce the approximate time voting closes and I will declare the winner in the comments. There will be two categories posted a week with the final competition tentatively scheduled for Monday, April 2. The final week of competition is contingent upon me finding adequate internet connectivity while I chaperone my son’s annual band trip.
BlatantCommentWhoring™: Feel free to make nominations from the peanut gallery.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Pi R Square

Other people are doing much fancier pies for Pi Day. Fellow boodler Yoki is running a Pi Day contest where seven people sent in pie recipes and you can vote in a bunch of categories. Voting may be closed by the time I post this, but the recipes all look too delicious (except for maybe the mountain oyster pie, which has real oysters, not mountain oysters). While it’s tough to pick favorites among your friends, I am always in search of good apple pie recipes and kbetocci's’s As American As version looks great.
My alma mater also has a long running (no pun intended) road race called the Pi-Miler, which is billed as a 5k charity run. I’m not sure whether the route is really 3.159 miles, which is 56 meters too much or exactly 5 kilometers, in which case the runners are slacking off for 61 yards. Perplexingly, this event is not on Pi Day, but is being run a month later on April 14th. Such are the mysteries of life,
Enjoy Pi Day. I am now very hungry.
Monday, March 12, 2007
Kittyhawk AK987 Fan Club
One of my maxims about the web is that there is nothing too obscure to not have a following. I was reminded of this the other day when I noticed I had a new comment on my Flickr site. Hawk914 had formed a Flickr group for pictures of a P-40. Not just P-40s in general (I have a P-40 picture from the Udvar-Hazy Center on this post), but a specific P-40: the one with tail number AK987 that is on display in the Air Force Museum in Dayton, Ohio. This plane flew as part of the Flying Tigers in China, which was a squadron of American volunteers flying lend-lease P-40s for the Nationalist Chinese before Pearl Harbor.
One of the most famous fighters in history were the P-40 Fighting Tigers. With the shark mouth cowl, these planes are the archetypal ferocious image of a World War II fighter. Hawk914 had noticed that there are a lot of pictures of the one in the AFM but they all seemed to look alike. That’s because the way they have planes stacked in there, only two angles make any sense. As a tongue-in-cheek joke he started a Flickr group dedicated to this particular plane and somehow found my picture.
I am proud to be a part of the Kittyhawk AK987 fan club and hope many more will follow Hawk914's lead and celebrate this famous plane.
BlatantCommentWhoring™: What is the most obscure thing you have been a fan of?
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