The other day at Wonkette, they were making fun of the Virginia DMV website where you can make your own mock-up of vanity license plates. Like Maryland and a lot of other states, you can get tags for nearly any group or organization that you can imagine. In Virgina, you can get personalized messages on them as well. Since the online page gives you a preview of your choice, the lure of mischief is enormous.
One of the most popular types of tags are the college affinity tags, so I decided to play with those. Since Wonkette is a political humor site, most of theirs were ridiculing politicians. In keeping with the Wonkette theme, this one fits their snark level:
These plates work best as a pair:
But they don't have to be political to be funny. Here I went for the obvious pun:
Sometimes the DMV will not let you use certain offensive words on a tag. This blog learned that the word "JEW" can't be used in any combination. The forbidden words are a little perplexing. They wouldn't let me use "Nuke" so I had to settle for this:
I found it ironic they didn't like "NUKE" but this tag was just fine:
It doesn't even need to be a Virginia college to have a tag. I thought it would be funny to put on a phrase that no hardcore fan of the school would ever really have, like these:
"G8RH8R" is actually already taken, but I doubt it is on a Florida plate.
And when I saw that this college was a selection, I had to throw all political correctness aside to see if this phrase was available:
It is. And I hope it stays that way.
Finally, I was upset to find this one was taken:
Guess I can't move to Virginia anytime soon.
BlatantCommentWhoring™: What would your vanity tag say?
How cool it would be to have a registration plate with your blog ID on it......
of course, that would make my plate only two letters long....
Hi yellojkt, Michele sent me to see what you are up to.....
Hey, Yellojkt, long time NO see! Thanks for the visit.
My vanity plate says "Tickle", for the name of my business = "Tickle Your Fancy".
RA54BRE would be the UK registration plate for rashbre central. But no-one would get it.
and here today via Michele's! - Hiya!
We're not allowed those in Britain, which is a shame.
Michele sent me.
With my dislexisness I am unable to figure out half of those..(LOL)..Oh dear! It's probably just as well!
Here from Michele today!
Mine says IBTHMPR
I heart it :)
One that I have seen here in Sydney, was H20MLN... Any clues???
Here from Michele's today...
Mine would simply say
Hi, Michele sent me.
'b' - Are you asking, cause that plate means watermelon.
I would obviously go for HRMNIKA.
I always thought that when I hit the lottery (I should actually buy tickets sometime), I'd go the INconspicuous consumption route and get a vanity plate that looks exactly like random letters and numbers. Only I, and a few others, would know that they'd be carefully chosen.
"Wanna see my vanity plate?"
"205 BDY? What does that mean?"
"Absolutely nothing."
I'm still giggling at NAPYHO
So bad...yet so funny
Have a great day.
I wouldn't have one,my husband does though and it says 4Kauri which probably would confuse most people as it refers to a NZ native timber which he uses in his work lol
Michele sent me today,
h20 water
mln mellon
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