Books Bought
Beowulf translated by Seamus Heaney
Books Heard
I Am America (And So Can You) written and read by Stephen Colbert
Books Read
Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire by J. K. Rowling
The Color of Magic by Terry Pratchett
This edition of BooksFirst is late because of the loss in my family and because I didn’t really finish reading any books in November. I completed both books listed here last night, but I’m counting them towards November anyways.

Part of the advantage of the audiobook is that you get that smarmy Colbert delivery. And at over three hours, a little Colbert goes a long way. He has guest readers as well, but it's hard to identify who is doing what bit. Each chapter is a single red meat topic that he attacks with his “modest proposal” deadpan satire. This approach works more effectively on some topics than others. The chapter on Hollywood is side-splittingly funny. The chapter on/against illegal immigration is too close to actual Republican talking points to be inherently funny. Maybe that says more about the xenophobic state of affairs than the humor potential of the topic.

I’m figuring out that the books follow a formula of several hundred pages of clever detail about the events going on around Hogwarts. Some of this is integral to the plot, some is just funny episodes scattered about for window dressing. Then there is a hundred pages of real action involving the latest threat to Harry followed up with about fifty pages of wrap up that explains the clues, macguffins, and red herrings that had been sprinkled about the first part of the book.
J. K. Rowling is a genius with character names and jargon and also writes clever dialog in a variety of voices (I really wish Goblet of Fire had more scenes with those sexily voiced Beauxbatons). The plots are deceptively intricate in that all the odd filler sounding parts do tie-in in some way. I still think you could trim these books by at least a third and not lose any of the magic.
Incidentally, the version of Goblet that I read was a British trade paperback my son bought at Waterstones in London several years ago. It is nowhere near the weight of the doorstop hardback American edition. The only Britishism I kept stumbling on was the odd spelling of "pyjamas".

The Color of Magic is a good introduction to Pratchett’s satirical world because it is a episodic picaresque tour of the world literally to its very edge. It also features recurring character Rincewind, the universe’s most incompetent wizard. Each of the four chapters is a stand-alone adventure that satirizes a different fantasy sub-genre. I clearly identified the references to Friz Leiber's Fafhrd and Gray Mouser series, the Stormbringer series, and the Perniverse. I had to go to Wikipedia to catch that there were also digs at Lovecraft. Wikipedia also tipped off me to the fact that The Light Fantastic is the continuation of the story. I may have to go back and get that one since the ending of this volume does not end in a neat tidy manner even by Pratchett standards. The book is not nearly as funny as the more directly satiric later books, but it shows that all the elements were in place.
You're really doing yourself a disservice by reading the Potter series the way you are. It's a bit like reading Lord of the Rings to the point where Frodo leaves Bag End, jumping ahead to Mt. Doom, and then going back to Helm's Deep or Moria. You get an idea of what's going on, but you miss a lot of the subtleties. Seeming throwaway lines can turn out to be significant one or two books later. The woman can conceal vital clues better than most mystery writers.
Color of Magic/Light Fantastic almost don't belong in Discworld. Pratchett himself says that he discovered the importance of plot over episode somewhere around the 3rd or 4th book. The later books are so much richer and deeper. I'm sure your enjoyment of the audiobooks was enhanced by the fact that they are read by Tony (Baldrick) Robinson. Truly brilliant readings. The cover you have there is terrible. The luggage looks like an old trunk or chest and has hundreds of feet. If you really want to get everything out of a Discworld novel, check the . Its grievously overdue for an update, but up through roughly Monstrous Regiment it's an amazing source of references.
I just started reading Pratchett a week ago or so, and I'm enjoying it immensely. I stumbled across "The Fifth Elephant" at the library, read it, and now I'm on to another one that I can't even remember the title of. "Lords and Ladies" maybe? So far so good.
I love Terry's books. There are so many too :)
Nice job driving the above potterhead nuts ;)
Let me know how Beowulf is. I have heard that translation is outstanding, but I haven't seen it yet.
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