Two years ago I invented a semi-parody of National Novel Writing Month or NaNoWriMo that I called National Just Read More Novels Month or, for not-so-short, the unpronounceable NaJuReMoNoMo. It’s only a semi-parody because I am completely serious about wanting people to read more novels. January is the perfect month for this sort of internet meme. It’s the middle of winter and doesn’t conflict with any major holidays. January is 31 days long, giving people plenty of time to read a book. Folks are flush with cash and gift cards from holiday giving, And they are burnt out from the endless November challenges that require too much work.
Best of all, NaJuReMoNoMo is astoundingly easy. All you have to do is read any novel from start to finish within the month of January. You can read memoirs or non-fiction in January, they just don’t count towards your NaJuReMoNoMo total.
Since this is the third annual NaJuReMoNoMo, I had expected it to be an internet-wide sensation by now, but participants seem to be limited to my regular readers. I thought long and hard and realized that the impediment to its breakthrough was the lame logo. The old logo was something I slapped together and it looked it. This year I ran it through Photoshop Elements and enhanced it. The logo now has a transparent background so it doesn’t clash with people’s templates. The dark letters are embossed with white outlines so they will look fine on dark backgrounds as well. Take a look at the improvement:
![]() Old Lame Logo | New Super Cool Logo | Updated: You can find all the official NajuReMoNo winner badges here. |
I also need to up the blatant meme plugging. I apologize in advance, but I am going to be relentless on book blogs and literary sites. If you found this site from a spammish link I have left somewhere, remember that it is never too late to start NaJuReMoNoMo. All you have to do is finish reading a novel by the end of the month.
And if you have a blog that does book reviews or know someone with one, either drop a hint or pass it on to me and I will make a nuisance of myself. Get the word out this year and next year will be even bigger than ever. We’ll get mainstream media attention and in-store promotion from BigBoxOfBooks and OtherBigBoxOfBooks. Maybe even prizes, but don't hold your breath.
Once you have read the novel, you are entitled to post this spiffy badge on your page. Either cut and paste the image or insert the code.
<a href="http://tinyurl.com/2l3mgt"><img style="cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;" width="100" src="http://tinyurl.com/2f563u" border="0" alt="NaJuReMoNoMo" /></a> |
And since my mad graphix skilz are woefully inadequate, anyone with real talent (I’m looking at you, Dave) is welcome to improve on it. Just leave comments or links or e-mail and we can talk. If I were anywhere decent at it, I would have all sorts of buttons and badges and blinking doo-dads. But I’d rather spend my January reading novels.
What a great idea! I'm terrible about picking up a book, sitting down and reading...I agree that January is the perfect month for this!
Oh...I only read novels...so this one should be easy :)
I'm in. I came from your post to the NaBloPoMo group, btw. It's working. :)
Out of curiosity, a novel is a fiction book of any length? Or are there length requirements?
Any work of fiction counts. My first book is going to be the new Nick Hornby novel which is aimed at "young adults."
A ggood idea. I'm always reading novels.
Michele sent me.
Interesting idea! I'll have to see what I can do. :)
How utterly awesome. :) Now I have a blog that does book reviews, http://bloody-kisses.org (it's been down the past day or so, so don't be alarmed if it doesn't work right away lol) so I'll definitely be interested in participating and will probably be using that blog to put my badge on. :)
Great idea. I love to read, and I generally read between 3 and 8 novels every three weeks (depending on how big they are and if I read any teen or YA books) though. Reading isn't much of an issue for me. -grin-
OK, I'm in. I've been reading far too much nonfiction lately, so this is a good excuse to pick up a few new-to-me books and revisit a few old favorites.
Funny, I just came across your post through Sunday Salon, and you live next door to my hometown of Columbia, MD. I attempted NaNoWriMo this year, but didn't do so hot. Maybe I'll try NaJuReMoNoMo instead! Thanks for the tip.
I have my novels lined up. I am looking forward to this month. See my blog for info:
Love it. Blogged it.
You certainly don't need me... I think you have a mighty fine logo there! Good luck, and Happy New Year!
Charming. I'm going to read A Man In Full by Tom Wolfe. It's nice and endless.
Inspired by another Achenblogger, I read All Quiet on the Western Front today. Powerful book - too bad we still haven't learned its lessons.
Ha! I love this idea. I'm not only going to participate, I'm going to plug this!
btw, I linked over here from The Comics Curmudgeon. Love the pre-censorship Foobery ;D
Fun Idea! I did it- The Game by Laurie King.
Hey, I read hell lot of books. Can I be in it too? I will publicize it on my blog. I get a lot of visitors.
Change he code to direct link to your page not to photobucket. I changed it in my blog. Clicking that gets here. Instead of the photobucket thing, you just need to put the Permalink of this post there.
I came from Gautami Tripathy's blog and would like to join in if I may. I hope I'm doing things right as I've already added some of the icons to my blog, A Reader's Journal.
Very cool idea, btw. Glad you're doing this and I agree, Jan is the perfect month for it.
If you will email me - booklogged AT gmail DOT com I will help you with what Gautami Tripathy was saying in her comment. I tried to leave it in the comment, but some of the html code couldn't make it passed the 'comment nazi'
I think this suggestion will increase the numbers involved in the NaJuReMoNoMo.
If it's not too late, I'd like to join in. I've already read quite a handful of novels this month, and I'm just getting started :)
I'd like to join too if it's ok - i've been reading all month and meant to sign up in the beginning...it just slipped my mind.
I'm glad to welcome all the latecomers.
The last day to join is January 31st. And any novel you've started in January before you heard of NaJuReMoNoMo can count as well.
I arrived here from Gautami's book blog. I have my own book blog (my name should link to it, or find nearlynothingbutnovels.blogspot.com). I'll post your logo.
Sorry for being dumb- what am I supposed to do? Send you the names of the books I've read in January and keep updating it?
Thanks, Jim
"Winning" NaJuReMoNoMo entitles you to post the winner badge either in a post or on your sidebar. It's entirely on the honor system. The best way is just to announce your success on your own blog, but a write-up or review is not necessary.
Right now there is no higher reward than the feeling of accomplishment. I do like to link to folk that have done well. It builds community and exposes people to other like-minded blogs.
Thanks. I have already read a ton of books this year but have not counted them. Many are reviewed on my blog www.nearlynothingbutnovels.blogspot.com
I review technical writing on my environmental site at greenchemistry.wordpress.com With luck, these examples are not fiction!
If I'm going to review books, I usually review them right away, but there are exceptions (The Shadow of the Shadow being one).
Thanks for your feedback about negative reviews on my book site. I have posted your two badges and hope to attract some readers and participants in the challenge for you.
I am gakking that badge, because I am reading my 7th novel this month right now.
I will mention this on my blog if you want, and post my badge. What does 10X mean? or 5X?
I found you through booklogged. She's awesome.
Each novel makes you a winner all over again. I've got a new post that explains the badges and winner levels. The #x is an indicator of how many times you've won this year.
Sure, why not? I'll join.
I'm a little late, but would like to join in the fun ~ my book blog is www.piecesofme-paula.blogspot.com (The Magic Bookcase)
I found you through Raidergirl...
I found you through Raidergirl as well, and have posted here
I found my way here from 3M's blog. I will join too.
Me too. I'm in. Better late than never!! Maybe we should extend this to NEXT month as well!!!
What a fun idea! I found my way to you through The Sleepy Reader. So far this month, I have read 4 novels and am 1/2 way through number 5. I review all the books that I read on my blog - which has been an awesome way to keep track of read titles.
I've read two novels this month: Evidence of Things Unseen by Marianne Wiggins, and the much-shorter When the Emperor was Divine by Julie Otsuka.
Do I make it onto your honor roll?
I finished 13 novels this month. I had planned on 15! Two short..not bad, eh?
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