Books Read
Slam by Nick Hornby
A Slipping Down Life by Anne Tyler
Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman
I’m a winner! By reading three novels in January I am entitled to the Green Badge to proudly display my accomplishment. I’m still taking winner announcements in comments on any post with the NaJuReMoNoMo tag (which includes this one). I will collect a list of winners in the next post or two.

Sam is a skater that talks to his Tony Hawk poster when he needs advice. Tony “talks” back entirely in quotes from his autobiography that ore often oddly relevant. He meets Alicia at a party and they begin fooling around with the inevitable tragic results. Unlike most stories about teen pregnancy, this one takes the point of view of the hapless father to be. The novel is told in the first person which is a stunning stylistic feat.

I’ve never been able to put my finger on exactly what makes an Anne Tyler novel so Tyleresque. These eccentric slices of life are often bittersweet and melancholic and all those elements are here. Evie is chubby insecure student that fall for a self-involved aspiring rock star long on hope but short on drive. Written in the late 60s, some of the dialog sounds dated, but the timeless Tyler themes of dreams deferred and opportunities lost and regained remain as poignant as ever.

The world Gaiman creates is full of myth and legend, both literary and urban. The world follows its own twisted logic and involves a plot to destroy a noted family with odd navigational powers. The real breakout characters in the novel are Mr. Croup and Mr. Vandemar, a pair of assassins who speak in an odd formality. The novel is an adaptation of a six part BBC series that I am wholly unfamiliar with. Gaiman’s cross-media experiments continue to amaze me with how versatile he is. I hope he returns to London Below someday.
I loved Neverwhere, it was my favorite Gaiman book, and I want to go to London and ride the tube.
I only read nine novels in January, I was close, but couldn't quite make it. I read too many nonfiction, and that was unusual for me, but I had to read the books that called me.
I had fun with NaJuReMoNoMo, and plan to do it again next year.
I love Hornby. I recently read A Long Way Down. I think I need to pick up that Anne Tyler. That's one I haven't read.
I loved Neverwhere. I am currently reading American Gods.
I also got a Tyler book.
I read 4 novels - was trying for the silver, but didn't quite make it. I'm not sure I've read that Anne Tyler - I thought I had read all her books, but I'm not sure. Accidental Tourist is my favorite, and I love the movie too. This is a fun way to start the year, yellojkt - a fine tradition.
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