Thursday, February 09, 2006

The Baltimore MySpace Murder

I hope that my post about the Howard County hooker didn’t set me up as the Baltimore area crime blog, because this blog does it much better. But I liked the Professor Whore story because of its ironic tone. Besides, prostitution is a relatively victimless crime unless you’re the neighbor that has to put up with the traffic and disruption. My post about it was light-hearted and whimsical. This rest of this post is not.

In Baltimore City, over 300 people a year are killed despite the best efforts of the police and the desires of politicians with ambitions for higher office. Every loss of life is tragic, but to rise up to the level of newsworthy in this area, a murder has to have a hook. In what will probably be known in the tabloids as the Baltimore MySpace Murder, the twist is the dangers of on-line dating.

Based on the reports in the Washington Post and the Baltimore Sun, John Christopher Gaumer has been arrested for the murder of Josie Phyllis Brown, a single mother he met through Allegedly, Gaumer beat her and hid her body in the bushes on the ramp between I-95 and I-695. According to his original story, the two had been drinking at bars in the North Charles Street area and he dropped her off at her home in Hampden area.

Since the body was found, after he led police to the site, on a highway that goes past his home on the UMBC campus in Arbutus, there is more to the story than that. I’m sure more of this will be told since he appears to be cooperating with the police. The Sun article insinuates that Gauner was quite the player, quoting a roommate that remembers Gaumer dating at least ten different women over two years, but never meeting the same woman twice.

The Baltimore Sun article also has a lot of information about both the victim and the alleged killer gleaned from various online “social” sites like MySpace and Facebook. The victim was 27 years old, but many users of MySpace are younger. When I wrote my post about Ugly Xanga Sites I mentioned easily finding profiles and messages of teenagers and kids even younger that gave away sensitive personal information including home addresses and cell phone numbers.

Tragic events also seem grimmer when they happen in places you are familiar with. Back in 2000, Ashley Mason, a 14-year old girl, was stabbed 34 times in the head, neck, and torso and left to die behind a dumpster at a Pizza Hut. When I first read this story, I thought back and realized that my family had eaten at that very Pizza Hut earlier that very evening.

Ashley attended, when she bothered to go, the same high school my son now goes to. A pair of low-life drug-dealing losers she was hanging around were eventually convicted of the murder. They have been appealing the verdict that was based on a confession and the DNA evidence. Thankfully, to no avail so far.

As the parent of a teenager, both of these stories terrify me. My son is a “good kid”, but I feel justified in worrying about who he hangs around and what he does online. I think the parents of Josie Brown and Ashley Mason would understand why.


Anonymous said...

OK, forgive the screed, yellowjkt, but this article really pushed my buttons this morning when I read it in the Sun.

I am constantly annoyed by attempts to portray things that happen on the Internet as somehow TOTALLY DIFFERENT about things that happen offline. The sentence that most cheesed me off was: "But seeking romance through the Web can carry hazards that go beyond the risks of meeting someone in a bar or club." Uh, what? Yeah, getting to know someone electronically over a period of weeks or months -- and having the opportunity to do some research about him or her -- is totally less safe than going home with some total stranger you meet in a bar. Uh huh.

I think people like to believe that threats come from bogeymen, mysterious strangers. It reminds me of something that happened in Charles Village (where I live), in Baltimore City last year. A Hopkins student was killed in her apartment (which was right near JHU) and there was immediate outcry that the neighborhood was unsafe, and demands that the University go all out to protect its students. But the idea that this was some random crime didn't fit with the facts: there was no sign of forced entry into the apartment. And when the arrest was made, it was someone that the victim knew, and who seemed to be interested in a relationship with her.

The fact is, that when a woman is killed, the first person the cops look at is the boyfriend or husband -- and with good reason. A woman is more likely to be killed in her first year of marriage than on her first date, no matter where she meets that date. A woman is more likely to be raped by a date in her apartment than by a stranger in an alley. A child is more likely to be molested by his uncle than by a pervert who hangs around the schoolyard. I'll bet that in the wake of the Pizza Hut murder you describe, there was a lot of soul searching about "are the suburbs unsafe now?" When in fact the crime was again perpetrated by ... someone the girl knew.

I'm not saying that people shouldn't learn to protect themselves. I'm saying that we spend too much energy telling people how to protect themselves against the wrong things. If a parent talking about rape always talks about it in terms of mysterious, masked, possibly black people lurking in dark corners, then their daughters are less likely to be on their guard with the nice investment banker they met in the bar ... and their son is more likely to think that he has the right to "what's coming to him" for paying for dinner. I think domestic violence has to be given equal priority as street crime -- since it snares more victims, and in more places. I think girls need to be taught to be careful in *all* situations -- not just in the city, not just with people they met on the Internet -- and boys need to be taught that violence is not how they should solve their problems, and that being physically stronger doesn't make you right.

Ok, rant over ... back to your regularly scheduled blogging.


yellojkt said...


I think you are 100% right. Part of my point is why is this any different than any other vicious attack. Because of the internet connection. There is this hysteria level that is like the uproar in the 70s about singles bars in the Looking For Mr. Goodbar era.

In a way it approaches a "blame the victim" mentality. She's at fault for going drinking with someone she didn't "know" except online. Definitely careless behavior, but no one deserves to be bludgeoned to death on the first date, no matter what.

Hopkins had the other murder a few years ago that was one of these deranged love triangle disputes. When I was at Georgia Tech, which is an urban camus also, the biggest scandal was a frat party where the brothers had the brilliant idea of gangbanging the underage passed-out girl.

trusty getto said...

Well, I did see a rept on TV earlier this week that called MySpace and Xanga "mail order catalogues for sexual predators."

Always one to understand the tension between personal responsibility and liberty, I consider it my job to watch my daughters like hawks, online and off.

It is troubling that other parents don't, which to an extent causes their children to grow up into people who don't have the same sense of responsibility for themselves or their own children.

Now, I'm not saying that you can necessarily predict that someone you speak with online is a psycho, or that you can even predict that with more certainty than someone you know offline. All you can do is encourage others to be responsible and to understand the implications of risk that accompany our technological society.

And, btw, I thought Josh's screed was a pretty good one myself.

Your Mother said...

We parents have a duty to know the who, what, where, when and why of our kids coming and goings. Personally, I feel that it is more than a duty, it is my right to know their business until they are plenty old enough to make better decisions.

I am probably, maybe just a little too protective of my kids because, as a kidnap victim myself, I find every person looking at my children suspect. I constantly fight with my in-laws that 8 and 6 are NOT OLD ENOUGH to go to the park by themselves. Even though the park is only 12 houses down our street. I don’t care. I have a hard time not being outside the entire time they are riding their bikes, even though their boundaries can be seen from inside and out. I’m just too protective I guess.

I’d rather be too protective than not enough. My heart goes out to any parent who loses a child.

Anonymous said...

As far as our kids are concerned, there is always that tug-of-war within us to give them some freedom and let them make some decisions on their own, or to hold them close and protect them from this bad, bad world.

It's a matter of monitoring their activities, whatever those might be, and keeping close watch on their Internet activity is certainly on that list. But it's also incumbent upon parents to educate their children and teach them to protect themselves, whether it be from the online predator or the neighborhood bully.

Let me move away from the Internet thing for a moment. Sooner or later your child is going to wind up in a situation where they're being pressured to trying drugs, or a sexual situation that they're not ready for. You're not going to be there. It's when those things happen that you have to hope to god that you've armed your kid with enough information to make a smart decision.

If we don't do that, if we cloister them away from reality, we're doing more damage in the long run.

yellojkt said...

My wife keeps reminding me that it is a much different world than the one I grew up in. I remember riding my bicycle all over the neighborhood for hours as young as seven years old.
But my parents were also pretty hair-trigger on hunting me down when I wasn't back when I was supposed to, well into high school.
I think I was ten when my mom had a very awkward talk with my my brother and me because there was a molester making news in the area. The whole concept was baffling to me.

Anonymous said...

My wife keeps reminding me that it is a much different world than the one I grew up in.

Assuming that you're roughly my age, yellow (30s), then your wife is right: it is a different world than the one we grew up in: it's much safer.

Seriously, you can look that up. Violent crimes and kidnap attempts against children by strangers (i.e. the sort of thing most parents worry about when they let their kids play by themselvs outside) are much lower now than they were in the 1980s when we were kids. And of course our parents in the 1980s were saying the exact same thing many people of our generation say now -- "it's different now." We didn't grow up in some Leave It To Beaver idealized 1950s (which didn't even exist in the 1950s). We grew up in an environment where all the same threats that have parents so panicky know (save the Internet) were out there and well known.

Though I don't have kids, I emortionally understand how nerve-wracking it is to let them out unsupervised. My wife's nieces, 10 and 8, recently made the two block walk from their parents house to our house for the first time, and it was a really big deal for all concerned. But they are no more at risk now than we were when we were kids. (We were no doubt in more risk than we realized.) The difference is that we now have 24-hour cable news networks that know that kidnapped children equals high ratings.

There *are* threats to kids out there and it makes sense to keep them safe and teach them how to be safe. I just worry that the next generation is going to made up of bubble children who can't fend for themselves. There was an interesting article in the Sun a few months ago about the fact that Hopkins has hired a dean whose full-time job is to deal with parents who call and try to fix things for their (adult -- yes, they're over 18) sons and daughter. These parents -- who they call "helicopter parents" -- are much more of an issue now than they were 10 years ago. How can the kids be expected to deal with even the "adulthood lite" of the college campus if they've never been given any independence up to that point?

yellojkt said...

Again you are right, Josh. The risks today are much lower. As a kid, I never wore a bicycle helmet or a seatbelt. No parent today would allow that. The perceptions are much different, and the allowable risk is lower. My wife and I sometimes border on being pushy parents because we have one kid and tend to be an advocate for him. We also try to make him take responsibility for his life. I do think some of the excesses of the freshmen year in college are the result of pent-up rebellion from the structure of modern adolescence. But the world is what it is.

2fs said...

First: Bravo, Josh - you said (and more eloquently than I probably would have) a lot of the things I wanted to say here. Claude: not only do kids need "enough information to make a smart decision," they need enough sense of self to be able to make it: in fact, I think that's more important than "information" as such. And this is where I worry about overreactive parents who coddle their kids: if a child grows up always having parents protect them in every situation, never developing a sense of independence or savvy, and never getting the chance to learn, from screwing up in a small way, not to screw up in a big way, they're probably more rather than less vulnerable.

Anonymous said...

I would like to comment on thoes "drug-dealing losers," more specifically Scott Brill, that you spoke of earlier this year. First and foremost, to the best of my recolection, Scott Jory Brill has no known drug or drug dealing convictions that I can remember. If I am wrong, please prove me as such. As a close friend and current law student @ UMSL preparing for his (Brill's) proper defense, I would suggest that instead of grasping for straws and constructing a barely coherient thesis as to what actually happened that horrible night. Check out the actual physical evidence and your own posted DNA evidence and there may be a slim chance that you will see what I see. Mr. Brill does not float and is not insivible. No trace of his DNA is metioned because he simply was not physically present at the murder site. Mr. Brill is right handed and not left handed and furthermore he is not 5ft6 but 6ft1. If you knew the acutal evidence then you would know the signifigance of this fact alone. Check out the medical examiners (Tidus) track record, and how about siting how many pending law suits he has due to his pattern of -no other way of phrasing this- outright lying on the stand. Keep your comments directed in the way that they should be-> in Freddy's direction. That was the whole problem with this case, they made freddy's past and actions be a part of Scott's, made his sins Mr. Brill's. Check out the medical examiner who attended Harvard University and was the head medical examiner of New York City who testified on Mr. Brill's behalf. Why did Sweeny Believe Mr. Tidus who's background couldnt hold a light to the defenses witness?? Politics and bullshit, what this "great" nation of ours is based on.

Please, DO NOT make statements about things YOU really don't know about acting as though YOU DO know about them. My soul bears the fact that an innocent man's life has been taken away from him, and I fully intend to do something about it- legally of course :).

Anonymous said...

bullshit, Brill is far from innocent. As the DNA proved, they would not have convicted him with no evidence. An innocent mans life way taken away from him? How about a 14 year old girl who never even had a chance to live her life. Both of them, Moore and Brill, got what they deserved. You obviously dont know what its like to have one of your best friends murdered and have to attend her funeral; I was there. So follow your own advice please, and do not make statements about things you really dont know anything about.

Anonymous said...

...the ;ega lsystem never does anything about ANYTHING...right anyway. Moore and Brill probably were problematic little pushovers. The guy tryig to talk like a judge thats "gonna do something legally" about all this isn't going to do anything. He just wants to feel like he is and thats the only thing anyone cares about in the legal system anymore. Going to your bestfriend's funeral where their casket is closed because their body is mutilated by stabs from a knife isn't justice. That girl did nothing to deserve that. i've had to sit through a friends funeral...

Anonymous said...

Hummm, its been 5 years, and you WILL SEE what I intend to do for Mr. Scott Brill. Anonymous #1, The DNA proved that Mr. Brill wasn't innocent??? WHAT DNA??? Your statement is unequivocally FALSE. There was no supporting DNA which supported the prosecutions utterly-ludacris, nonsensical theory which was the state's whole case. In fact, the EVIDENCE suggests exactly what I have said, that Mr. Brill is fully and totally innocent. Go do your fact checking, then make a statement which is supported by thoes facts- otherwise your statement is considered BULLSHIT.

Anonymous #2, how dare you sit there and feel as though your selfishly blinding grief justifies the illegal and unfair prosecution and conviction of an innocent human being. You was there huh?? There where?? At the funeral??? Well I must admit that I did not attend a closed casket funeral, however I was there in the court-room immersed in the totality of the evidence and real fact. I did not have the conveinence of a closed casket viewing, I saw the horrific photos in explicit detail of exactly what happend to Ashley. I did not sit by the Television and listen to what the media feed me, I have seen the facts.

You were her best friend huh?? Being such a friend, then you should have been there to tell her, "Stop parading around here like you are 19 and not really 14"-like she was- and "Stop sneaking out of your house in the wee hours in the morning, drinking and using drugs and having unprotected sex with men and women much older that her" or even better yet, you could have asked her why she was dating a guy that was 19 years old, lying and trying to live like something that she was not.

I will not bash her, it was up to her mother to raise her the right way, this situation would never have happened if there was real support for her at home- I am just so sick of this image that embraces her so-called 'innocence'. You, claiming to be her best friend would and should know that I am not making these facts up.

I look at people like you anonymous #2, in your blindedly selfish grief, and it reminds me of how many people in this Nation felt 6 years to this date (9/11). Through this selfish blinded grief, some of us (atleast thoes that do not fact check, research and read) STILL BELIEVE THAT IRAQ had something to do with 9/11- eventhough the FACTS are right out in the open, waiting for thoes who WANT TO KNOW THE TRUTH.

It is shameful to use this grief as a justification to prosecute an innocent person just as much as it was wrong for Bush to use this National grief to justify and continoiously perpetuate this false, illegal and morally wrong war. Think about it- I rest my case.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous (the purported legal rep)

For an educated law student you dont seem to be very smart.

Buy a dictionary or get spell checker.

Res Ipsum Loquitor.... ;o)

Anonymous said...

Ashley was not a bad person. It is unfair to say that what happened to her could not happen to your son because he hangs around with the right kids. I knew her when we were four years ago and she was a regular little girl, with princess birthday parties and a passion for the color pink. I think we have all encountered "low-lifes" like those that Ashley came in contact with in 2000, and what happened to her was no fault of her own. She was 14 years old.

I find it very condescending for you to post that you worry about your son, even though, thank God! he doesn't hang around with a bad crowd and he's a "good kid". Ashley's mother is just like you--a concerned and loving parent. She worried about who her daughter hung out with as well. I find it interesting that the only way Ashley's death has affected you is the fact that you ate at the same restaurant that she was later murdered at--where a memorial for her still rests today.

yellojkt said...

I didn't say Ashley was a bad kid. I said she skipped school a lot and that the guys that murdered her were low-life scums. I am very sympathetic to the loss her parents must feel and I make no judgment about them. Nobody should have a child taken from them.

irisheyes795 said...

You have no right at all to judge Ashley Nicole Mason, you didn't know her, or ever meet her. I was her best friend. She was my first friend, I met her in pre school. She was a great friend, so sweet and so funny. ALL teens go through a faze, her dad was having an affair with a woman younger than Ashley's older twin sisters, she had to move from the house she was born in, and away from all her friends, and go to a bad school. She wasn't use to the things that happened at that school. You should stick to talking about things you know, not about this.

irisheyes795 said...

I was at the trial's, Scott Brill, is a confessed killer, his seman was found in her body and on her body, found from anal, and vaginal swabs, and on the outside of her panties. PLUS HE SAID HE DID IT. Your an idiot if you think otherwise! He and Fredrick Moore killed my friend of 12 years. THEY ARE BOTH ANIMALS, and should never be let out to masacure another victim.

Anonymous said...

josie was my ex girlfriend, she called me during that night trying to get back with me because she cheated on me with a bunch of guys, i was so so so sad and blame my self for her murder. i should have taken her back i just wish. but i was tired of the drugs, lies and cheating. i am sorry baby so sorry.
my name is alex and forever more dread the knowledge and horror you faced.

Anonymous said...

ashley was my aunt...she was my mom's step sister =/

Anonymous said...

and i would greatly appreciate you stop talking about her, her friend is right, you didn't know her..all you have to go off of are some pictures you saw?..nice. thats judgement. legally or not you can shove that all up your ass, you didn't know her, so stop, and if you were as professional as you said you were, wouldn't you know better then to be posting what you know/saw on a public website? what you have said is inconsiderate to my family and Ashley's friends. weather you have raised your kid to be "good" like you said it doesn't matter, people make mistakes, no ones perfect and those guys don't deserve to live. and how crystal raised her has nothing to do with what happened so leave her out of it.

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