I am not a gamer, but my son is. Over the years he has owned the Nintendo64, Dreamcast, Gamecube, PlayStation 2, Gameboy Advanced, GameboyDS, Sony PSP, and now the Wii. We hypothetically asked him if he wanted a PlayStation3, and he said “meh”. Which is good, because those are not available at any price for anybody. My b-i-l says that he knows people that work for Sony that can’t even get one.
The killer app for the Wii is The Legend Of Zelda: Link Runs Around Some More. All I know is that my son can play it for hours. The other night I forced him off so I could play Bowling and try out the very cool Wii-mote. This TV remote looking device has a motion detector in it that makes it a little un-nerving at first. You just point it at the screen and the cursor moves around. No need to get carpal tunnel thumbing a little joystick.
To bowl, you swing your arm just like in real bowling. The difference is that you just have a little remote in your hand instead of a sixteen pound ball. In my first game, I lost to my son 117-108, which is about what I would bowl in real life.

At less than half the price of a PS3, the Wii is plenty of game system for me. Get one of your own, and you too will go wii-wii-wii all the way home.
Blatant Comment Whoring™: Did I make my Mii-guy dorky looking enough?
Hey, that's a good idea. All of us "dorky dads of kids who own Wiis" should create new Mii avatars and use them on our blogs.
Or not.
Here's my kid's Wii story and my Mii-guy too.
Once they finish the browser you and I can get online and play some tennis or golf. I'd play you in boxing but I was taught to never hit a guy with glasses.
It should replace your profile picture. I especially like his/your smug smirk.
I don't know how I missed your story or I would have linked to it. Standing in line in the Midwest cold is a lot more hardcore than calling a brother-in-law.
Random thoughts:
It does rather look like your picture inthe sidebar, though the smirk may be just a little too Sally Forth.
Since my wife and I are translators with a major focus on electronic games, what the Wii mostly means to us is another §&$&ing terminology set.
Watch out when you're bowling. There are several anecdotal accounts of the wriststrap breaking and people flinging their Wii-motes into their televisions.
And nice Who reference in the title.
i made a identiy for my step dad and he loves it
i mean mii
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