The last time I left off on this tragic tale, I told of my new high-def television and no high-def signal to use it on. I had called to get an HD set-top but was told that they were out of stock until the end of March. Well, in April I went and gave them a call. By now I had decided that I really wanted an HD-DVR downstairs so that I could record and watch all those great nature shows and maybe the next season of The L Word. I got the usual pass around from tech support to orders to billings. It seems my old order was still in the system and had to be deleted before I could request a different box.
I was told it would take a few hours to cancel the old order and that I would have my new box in three to five days. That was two months ago.

It turns out that it was the new set top box. After running some new wires around I had Showtime in HD just in time for the reruns of Weeds, Secret Diary Of A Call Girl, and Penn and Teller's Bullshit: The War on Porn. Penn Jillette is explaining how porn is healthy and wholesome. At least on premium cable. And in high definition.
BlatantCommentWhoring®: Would anyone pay for premium channels if there weren't late night smutty pseudo-documentaries?
I had premium cable for a year or two, when it was on special. I mostly watched movies either on those channels or their respective On Demand channels. When the deal died, so did the premium. It just isn't worth the extra dough.
I do miss Now Penn & Teller, though. Whether pushing their agenda or not, it was always entertaining. Top showmen in my book, their presentation was always well done and funny.
I don't get any TV channels right now, but I get all my shows and movies through Netflix. I love Penn&Teller, I've started getting the new season that just came out!
Has anyone watched Secret Diaries Of A Call Girl. Piper annoys the hell out of me on Doctor Who, but somehow I think this role is more up her alley and I'm tempted to watch.
We don't pay for premium channels anymore, because we don't watch them ever :(
So far there has only been one episode of SDoaCG and it was a little uneven. Perhaps it gets better.
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