Yesterday, despite the heat, I went on the Tour Dem Parks charity bicycle ride. I like these little events sponsored by local charities where you pay a fee, do a ride, and get a tee shirt. While I admire people like HRH Courtney that can go out and raise a ton of money for a super-charity, that is not my style or level of dedication. This event was in support of Baltimore City Parks and the route went through as many as possible. Since the focus is on parks, many of which I had never even heard of, here are my impressions.

MIDDLE BRANCH PARK – From Carroll Park, the Gwynns Falls Trail runs through some of Baltimore’s finest industrial wasteland including the incinerator that welcomes visitors to Charm City. Once through there it becomes the part of Middle River Park, a nice sleepy park (and I say sleepy because a few people were sleeping on the park benches) along the Middle River that is part swamp and part open sewer. Right near the end of the park was a gorgeous boat house where some folks were washing something.
SOLO GIBBS PARK – Rejoining the main route took us around Ravens Stadium and then through Solo Gibbs Parks which as we navigated bollards and skinny paths seemed more residential playground than full-fledged park, but it was busy and went by fast.
FEDERAL HILL PARK - The route through Federal Hill was some of the most tedious with lots of cross streets and traffic, but the view from Federal Hill was worth it. Overlooking the entire Inner Harbor, this little park is one of the most charming places in Baltimore. Lots of riders were taking breaks for pictures and sightseeing. I had never actually been to the park before and it was smaller but prettier than I had imagined. Down below we could see a throng of runners on a charity run.

HARBORPLACE - While not technically a park, the Inner Harbor is definitely park-like and as we swooped through the plaza, we joined the route of the charity run (it might have been Susan Komen or Race For The Cure, I never quite got the name) all the way out to Canton. The race volunteers and traffic police kept yelling at the bicyclists to stay away from the runners and sometimes gave contradictory directions on which side of the street to stay on. Still, it was nice to have Boston Street closed to traffic.
O’DONNELL SQUARE – Canton is one of my favorite Baltimore neighborhoods, but we just zipped through once we were free of the runners.

CLIFTON PARK – The ride to Clifton Park was through some of the worst war-zone abandoned rowhouse areas of Baltimore. On the left just north of Johns Hopkins Hospital, there was a huge four block area that had been bulldozed clear. A big sign noting what is was for went by to fast to read. All the bicyclists waved at the ladies coming out of church in their Sunday finery and big hats. At Clifton Park, the bicylclists started getting confused about the route. It went up a large steep hill past the clubhouse of the infamous Clifton Golf Course and back down the other side.
HERRING RUN PARK – Right at this park I saw a Taco Truck setting up on the side of the road with a lot of guys in soccer jerseys setting up a field. Then it was around Lake Montebello on a very nice biking/jogging path. Past this point the route wandered through some very nice neighborhoods including the elderly housing apartments that stand where Memorial Stadium used to be. While not marked on the cue sheet, one park was surrounded by mansions and completely landscaped with flowers all in bloom.
WYMAN PARK – This shaded meandering park went by too fast to enjoy as we headed downhill to the next rest area across the street from the Stieff Silver Building. Here the heat was beginning to build and plenty of people were using the hose to cool off.

MOUNT ROYAL - At this point I was getting confused and just following groups of riders and we wandered through the Mount Royal area. At one point in the median of a bigger road, a group of more serious cyclists were waiting at the route split for a lost buddy. The long route went from there west to the trailhead of the Gwynns Falls Trail. That was the trail/park I was really looking forward to but I checked my watch and odometer. I had gone over twenty-five miles already, it was after eleven and over ninety degrees. I headed back to the start.
CARROLL PARK – The route back went along MLK Boulevard past UMB and through some newer housing developments including one advertising townhomes in the low 300s. Back at the park, all the ballfields were busy and the announcers were booming over the speakers in Spanish. Back at the Carriage House, all bikers were crowding around the Gatorade. I had a hockey puck burger and a Chipotle pork taco before heading home.

It’s been several years since I did an organized ride in Baltimore and I loved the route of this one. You really saw all aspects of the city, good and bad. And there are some real hidden gem parks along the way. And if somewhere in your travels, you pass a wheezing, puffing guy in a loud gold GT biking jersey, that was me.
A taco truck? Damn, I wish they'd had that up on my walk.
I'm nothing special; I just do what I can. Like all of us.
Looks like it was an enjoyable day for you.
That sounds like riotous good fun. No, really. I guess if I'd participated I'd still have my damn bike.
I'll only be bitter for awhile longer.
I didn't have time to stop for the taco truck, but Chipotle had a booth at the end giving out free pork tacos. It just wasn't the right weather to properly enjoy it.
Sounds like you had a great ride. But it sounded a little too long and too many hills for me. I enjoyed our ride along the stream when I was at your place. Cheers
I wouldn't call $1000 for a good charity "nothing special."
On your route from Lake Montabello past the ex-Memorial Stadium site to Wyman Park, you probably were only a few blocks from my house. I'm willing to bet the park surrounded by mansions was Sherwood Gardens -- about a 15-minute walk from my house, but in a whole different economic strata.
The huge construction site you saw north of Hopkins Hospital is going to become ... more of Hopkins, the so-called "Biotech Park". There's already one run by the U of M sprouting up just west of MLK, near those new townhomes in the low 300s (and providing much of the engine for sales of same).
The taco truck was at the corner of Crossland and Chesterfield (see this map). They were unloading a bunch of sodas for the soccer game that hadn't started yet. I have no idea whether tacos were being sold, but it would be worth checking out.
Good for you--this sounds like a great day, good for mind, body and spirit.
Your account reminded me of this story from "Mr. Beller's Neighborhood," a site featuring stories about New York City--this one is about the "Five Boro Bike Tour" (I don't know what's up with their spelling; the club that sponsors it is the Five Borough Bike Club.)
The Five Borough Bike Ride is on my bucket list. Maybe I'll get to do it next spring.
Looks like you had a really nice day for the ride. I love that building, the Patterson Pagoda. That looks beautiful.
:o) Elizabeth
I was trying to talk my husband into the ride - but, he voted too hot. Honestly, the only reason I know about half of those parks (even though I live in the city) is that his cross country team runs in half of them during the fall season. Can't wait to share this post with him - he'll really enjoy your summation of your ride.
It was really, really hot, but I wanted that $35 tee shirt pretty bad.
Ever heard of bikeman? He's been touring on his bike since 1962 and has been almost everywhere in the world on it. He's an amazing person and must have books upon books of adventures and photos...if he'd ever stop biking to record them that is. Look him up sometime. His first name is Heinz and last is something like Stucke (but I might be misspelling it)
Dude, you sure get around! Hell, I would never do that! Good job!
Good for you. I do a bike ride for charity every year too... although the bikes are motorcycles, but still - it still gets pretty hot and my butt gets sore too (queue mini violins now).
Hey! I've been to Federal Hill too!
Great picture, byoolin. Now I have a face to put with all that razor sharp wit on Celebritology.
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