The Udvar-Hazy Center is right next to Dulles Airport in Virginia and puts on display a lot of the airplanes that aren’t historic enough or just plain (no pun intended) too big for the main museum. A few years ago, the NASM put the original Enola Gay on display in the museum on the mall, but only the fuselage fit. In the new place, the whole thing, fully restored, fits with room to spare.
The other signature military plane in the exhibit is the SR-71 Blackbird, the fastest plane ever built. These things never fail to impress.
The last Concorde to ever fly is also on display. It also is in the “How did they fit that thing in here?” category. It is nearly impossible to get an angle to take a picture of the whole thing at once.
I was most impressed with the wide variety of WWII planes they have. A lot of planes are hung from the ceiling and there are catwalks around and through the hangar that let you get a closer view. Here is a Flying Tigers P-40 flying right at the camera.
Many years ago I had a job that occasionally took me to the launch pad at Kennedy Space Center, so I have been up-close to Space Shuttles before, but the Enterprise on display here is still an impressive sight. That’s me in the foreground.
When I got home and went through the photos, I counted 69 pictures after I deleted the duplicates and out-of-focus shots, which sounds like a lot, but I only scratched the surface. If you want to see more check out this Flickr set for the full set of my pictures. Or view them all as a slide show.
And if you get to the DC area take a half day and head out to the Udvar-Hazy Center. Like all Smithsonian museums it’s “free”, but parking is $12 a vehicle or you can pay for a shuttle from the Mall. And just go plane nuts.
Technorati tag:hummingbird rump, Udvar-Hazy, Air and Space Museum, plane, shuttle, Concorde
This is very cool. I haven't been yet, but your pictures make me want to go. Thanks!
I watched the slide show. The WWII and NASA pics were very nice.
That is wayyy cool, YJ. We used to have a similar unknown attraction, the Yankee Air Museum, with actual working historic planes, but it burned to the ground earlier this year. They, thankfully, are vowing to rebuild, but a lot of historic stuff was destroyed.
Plane nuts. Har har.
I went there during my CNN internship in college. Can't remember the occasion, but my job was to guard the tripod (not the camera, just the tripod) in between live shots that were taking place there all day. I couldn't believe how many idiots walked up to the TRIPOD and made faces at it and said, "Hi Mom!"
"Uh. There's no camera there," I'd say and they'd look at me like I was the crazy one.
Ahhhh, a walk down memory lane...
The Air and Space Museum is a great place - how I miss it. Wright-Patterson AFB has a good museum that I went to as a teenager while in the Civil Air Patrol. It was freaky to reach up and grab the end on a wing on the B-52 - we actually shook the entire plane!
I was speaking to a cashier at a grocery store here a couple of months ago, and she was planning a trip to, among other places, Washington DC. She couldn't believe it when I told her all the Smithsonian museums were free, and I think part of her still thought I was pulling her leg.
Living within one hour of world class museums that happen to be free gets you pretty spoiled. It also takes the pressure off from trying to see everything at once. I like to see just one gallery at a time and come back later for more.
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Wow!! what an images I'd like to getting a trip to the Space Museum’s Steven F. because I could see really rare spacecrafts, specially the second one because it seems like a Alien spacecraft. m10m
the black bird is the one that I want to meet personally to fulfill my geek wishes.
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