Comics are a big business and there a lot of licensing issues to insure that characters and artwork are properly paid for and that copyrights are protected. I’m not sure which of these people is in charge of websearching for bloggers that cut and paste the strips onto personal websites, but that person does one heck of a job.

FborFW is one of the few comics that actually has a dedicted website. Others in this rarified realm include Garfield and Doonesbury. For comics large enough to merit grand stand alone websites, instead of dinky templated web pages from their syndicate, they all have on an odd fascination with silly games and stunts. Considering the target age of Garfield fans, this is understandable. But if you want to play chess on-line why does it matter if you play against Mike, when chess is nearly ubiquitous on the web? John’s little Flash game is particularly strange. And why is Deanna the word search maven? If you don’t want to play games you can look at unpublished artwork, or scroll through all the fan-submitted photos and letters on April’s Blog (the official one, not the "real" one.

And every tour ends with a stop at the gift shop. Here is where you can put your wallet to the test. There is a huge branded CafePress outlet where you can get your choice from about a dozen daily or Sunday strips put on about every style of clothing and tchotke that CafePress sells. Unfortunately, the strip selection doesn’t have the famous “roadside gig” episode that would be the immediate bestseller. You can get an autographed copy of it for $45. I dare you. At the higher end there are animation cels, autographed books, and bunny jewelry. They even have Christmas gifts for all your foob-friends.
This is the end of the guided tour, but feel free to wander around some more and try to find Ned. There are lots of places to explore that I haven’t even touched on. In the near future, I will draw back the curtain and we will peer straight down Mt. Foob.
Foob Lawyers: I know that on your site you say: “All of the copyrights and trademarks on this site remain the property of Entercom Canada Inc. Any unauthorized use of these images is strictly prohibited.” I have linked to images from the FBorFW.com website according to my right for fair use. All the links are altered in size from the original and refer back to the original source. I have not “copied” or “stolen” anything from you. If you put something on the web, I can link to it. It’s that simple. If you don’t believe me, the folks at the EFF can set you straight.
Technorati tag:hummingbird rump, foob, foobiverse, For Better or For Worse, Lynn Johnston, comics
That's a really nice picture of Webmaster Stephanie. You'd never think someone that pretty morphs into Bandwidth Avenger Girl on a daily basis.
So, should I be expecting a cease and desist letter? I don't know how she can find my real address. I stay pretty anonymous.
She'll probably post something in the comments. I've seen her do that on the FOOBiverse!'s Journal when someone dared link an image. She'll probably also complain to Blogspot charging "bandwidth theft" (assuming the images are directly linked) as that seems to be the norm for first-time offenders. It's happened a couple of times on FOOBiverse but since Cookie's really good about removing them SvD just posts in the comments rather than dragging LiveJournal into it. Of course if they're not directly linked there's not much Mt. FOOB can do, what with Fair Use and all.
Hello! Michele sent me this evening and I'm glad she did. I couldn't go to all the links but the ones I went to were v-e-r-y interesting! Thanks for the tour!
Thanks for the heads up, ellcee. I have resourced all the images to blogger servers and kept hot links to the Foob pages. I't gives them incoming hits with no band width from them. I can't imagine any other grounds for complaint, unless they disagree with my opinions.
Don't you think April's a little young to have saddlebags like that?
April is very embarrassed about that "thunderthighs" picture. She's pretty sure Lynn hated her that day. ;)
You can tell SvD is evil, just check out her eyebrows. Non-evil people don't have eyebrows like that.
The FBoFW website has to be one of the scariest places I've ever been. It leaves me wondering just what type of reality Lynn lives in. Aren't you just asking for trouble by posting underwear clad adolescent girls on the web? I know she's not real, but I wonder if Lynn does.
The Lynniverse is a happy place. With candy. And puppies. And flowers. Politeness abound and everything is the Way it Ought to Be.
PS. yellojkt, you're welcome :) I'm happy to pass along my tips n' tricks for avoiding a FOOB attack -- I love your site, I'd hate to see even a temporary interruption.
Hey, you are Blog Of Teh Day today in my corner. Enjoy!
Damn - when you mentioned John's "flash game" I was picturing something else entirely. (Especially when I clicked on it and saw him standing there in a trenchcoat.)
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