Wednesday, October 25, 2006

HoCo Hooker Update

Update (1/29/07): Brandy Britton committed suicide over the weekend according to a report by the Baltimore Sun.

My favorite blonde, D-cup, over-educated call girl, Brandy Britton, is back in the news. This time, against her lawyer’s recommendations, she is spinning her eye-rolling tale of how $300 an hour is a fair price for her ‘companionship’ to the Baltimore Examiner. She explains that the 150 condoms at her house were necessary tools in her research into HIV transmission vectors. She also thinks anyone without nine bottles of lube just isn’t enjoying sex enough.

If you will recall from my last post about her, she waived a judicial hearing for what is a fairly routine charge to get jury trial. Regrettably, my jury service is over, because I’d love to be on that case even if my blog would cause a mistrial. I know way too much about her and the case that I shouldn’t know.

According to an Examiner sidebar article, sleepy Howard County has made 52 prostitution arrests so far this year. Most of these probably involve truck-stop hookers and shady massage health spas, not a woman with a doctorate degree operating out of a soon to be foreclosed on $400,000 home (that is the appraised value, fair market worth would be much higher) on a sleepy Wisteria Lane-like cul-de-sac. She has already rebuffed one plea bargain offer.

Her latest version of events include paranoid tales of police persecution and harassment. While it does seem odd that it takes eleven cops to raid one two-story colonial for a middle-aged woman armed only with Astroglide, I doubt that anyone is now bugging her living room. Her latest court date has been delayed, this time apparently by the prosecution. The only other new press is a letter to the editor defending her based on the Examiner article.

Several things about this case still don’t add up. One mysterious critical event in her chronology is the short marriage to her legally-declared abusive husband, Isamu Tubyangye. During that time, the cops seemed more than familiar with her address, having to answer at least 27 domestic disturbance and other calls. How he plays into the legal and psychological dramas at UMBC is still confusing as well as exactly when Brandy turned on the red light as Alexis.

This low-life has seemed to vanish off the face of the earth after pleading guilty to assault twice and serving jail time for it. The Examiner article says that calls to his Florida home went unreturned. That means the reporter is paying no attention at all to the comments section of my blog, which clearly place him in Australia. If the reporter had been around for the two days before I deleted the comment, he could have jotted down the exact street address.

Which brings up the small community of BrandyHaters that have been sympathizing with each other as well as posting new information about Brandy and her ex-husband. My Brandy posts have brought out commenters that keep adding to the dialog long after most blog posts have closed shop. These folk have gotten so cozy together, I almost expect them to start trading recipes. While most of the parties post anonymously, there seem to be at least a half-dozen regulars. They include:

  • The wife of her former boss
  • The wife of a former ‘client’
  • A close friend of her now-remarried first husband
  • The former girlfriend and baby-momma of her second husband
  • A friend of the second husband’s current girlfriend in Australia

Obviously, most of these people have a grudge or an ax to grind, but some of the links and research are interesting, if not likely to be admissible in court. For example, while most of Brandy/Alexis/whoever’s official websites vanish soon after I link to them, this page on an escort service site (NSFW, in case you need to be told) still has pictures from her Alexis days.

Prostitution is frequently referred to as a victimless crime. When a husband is spending thousands of dollars on a call girl, there are victims, just not the ones in the legal process. One commenter (perhaps the same one) also makes the point that sexually transmitted diseases from a sex worker are a risk to more than the john. Of course, this applies to any style of promiscuity, extramarital, commercial, or otherwise.

The story has a high titter factor, which is why the press and public (present company included) keep following it. But there are real victims and ruined lives littered in the wake of it. That is hard to remember when there is so much theater of the absurd surrounding this case.

As an aside, Luke Broadwater, the writer of the Examiner article calls Centennial High School “perhaps the best school in the best public-school district in the state” which means he agrees with my characterization of it as “the highest performing high school in the highest performing county in the state” when I first blogged about Brandy back in January. Just sayin’.

Blatant Comment Whoring™: None. This post will probably not have trouble attracting comments and there is enough whoring in Howard County going on without my contribution.


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Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, I don't buy the idea that a wife who is emotionally wounded or infected with something nasty because her husband consorted with a prostitute is somehow a victim of the prostitute. It feeds into the oft-unspoken but widely-held belief that of course men by their very nature are going to fuck around if they get an opportunity, and that therefore the moral burden is on women not be too slutty and temptatious.


Anonymous said...

Tubyangye dosn't figure in the events at UMBC (they did not meet untill 3 years after those events), or in her prostitution ( she didn't start untill a year after he was gone). He's just another smokescreen Brandy uses to show that she is a victim. The real story between Brandy and Tubyyangye is one hustler trying to hustle another hustler. Anyone hear anything about the hearing (civil) on wednesday concerning the equally long postponed forclosure on Brandy's house? Supposedly the Bank was going to be authorized by the Court to auction off the house on the courthouse steps.

Anonymous said...

Only 2 comments here?
The real story is at Brandy's Back
Sunday, May 21, 2006.
Take the time to read the 42 pages
of comments there, then see who
the real victim is.
Wake up.

Anonymous said...

Editorial: An open letter to law enforcement
The Baltimore Examiner Newspaper, The Examiner
Oct 27, 2006 5:00 AM (8 hrs ago)
Current rank: # 8 of 7,377 articles

BALTIMORE - Dear Baltimore City Police Commissioner Leonard Hamm, Baltimore County Police Chief Terrence Sheridan, Anne Arundel Police Chief Tom Shanahan, Carroll County Sheriff Kenneth Tregoning, Howard County Police Chief William McMahon and Harford County Sheriff R. Thomas Golding:

In Thursday’s editorial, “Legalize prostitution for sake of women,” we asked why law enforcement does not treat men and women equally when it comes to prostitution.

Technically, they face the same penalties — a maximum of one year in jail or a $500 fine or both. But why, for example, is Brandy Britton, the former University of Maryland, Baltimore County assistant professor, on trial for prostitution, and not the men who could afford her $300 per hour services? Why is her face flashed before the media, and not those who make escort services like hers possible? Why are women who walk the streets so often arrested and not those who buy their services? In 2005, 1,387 women were arrested and 511 men for prostitution-related crime in Maryland.

Is that what our penal system calls equal treatment before the law? Regardless, statistics show current prostitution-fighting methods have not eliminated the practice. Common sense says they never will, so long as the demand exists.

Some say it’s impossible to reduce demand. We disagree. People said it was impossible to find deadbeat parents who did not pay child support.

But printing the names, addresses and photos in the newspaper and online of those who fail to support their children has helped to make them abide by the law. Why not apply the same techniques to those charged with soliciting prostitutes? We think it is worth the effort to see if the prospect of public shame deters men from making the same mistake again and stops those considering doing it in the first place. Who wants family, employers and friends to know about such seedy behavior?

To aid you in this endeavor, we would be willing to make a full page available free each month to publish the names, addresses and pictures of prostitution customers you have charged. We would leave blank spaces for the nonparticipating governmental units, encouraging citizens to complain to them for tolerating the exploitation of women and lack of commitment to ending this practice.

Please contact Marta Hummel at to discuss how we can work together. We look forward to hearing from you.


The Examiner

For your information

Let law enforcement know your opinion on this issue. Call:

» Baltimore City Police Commissioner Leonard Hamm: 410-396-2040

» Baltimore County Police Chief Terrence Sheridan: 410-887-2214

» Anne Arundel Police Chief Tom Shanahan: 410-222-8050

» Carroll County Sheriff Kenneth Tregoning: 410-386-2900

» Howard County Police Chief William McMahon: 410-313-3200

» Harford County Sheriff R. Thomas Golding: 410-836-5400


Anonymous said...

Ms. Britton has obviously done a lot of damage to a lot of people, given the responses on this and other blogs. However, it is also obvious that she has done more damage to herself than all the others. No car, no home, no friends, a credit rating that must be less than zero, a once promising career that has been absolutely atomized. When the courts, creditors, governments, auctioneers, lawyers all take a slice out of selling her home, there will be precious little left for her. And who is going to employ her with a record of deceit, fraud and lawsuits against employers? Is it really necessary to put the Tax people onto her as has been suggested in this blog (Brandy's Back).
I think the woman has been punished enough, and it is time to let her be.

Anonymous said...

Becareful for what you wish for
There will be plenty of time to leave her alone

News Flash
Criminal Jury Trial
12-18-06 8:45 Cancelled/Vacated

NEW Criminal Jury Trail
01-23-2007 8:45 A.M.

Anonymous said...

Yellojkt.. here's one of those few listed interested parties to the Brandy and Co saga...ME.. the leaver of the Oz Address you so efficiently removed from Brandy's Back blog.
... Yes indeed the reporters may have been interested in it.. many others also -as you put it so well this "low life" tries to vanish from every disgusting mess he creates. Why was there a need to protect him exactly?? (by removing address) I'd be happy once again to point anyone interested to a company he was listed as being owner of in Melb Australia.
The Address of Owner was gleaned from the Aust Securities Investment Commission's own records. FL Address no doubt a useful smokescreen, and he's managing to be paid to travel between the two countries as a "Consultant" for Stone Fitness. Nice and neat for him - no declarable income (helps when avoiding child support), yet other needs catered for while this criminal screwed up character is able to start the process again and again in other countries. Anyone with information on this creep come forward. I'd also be interested to know legally where he would stand regarding the debts Britton has been accumulating prior and during their short marriage.

Anonymous said...

Where did the comments go?? Wasn't this the 'update' site??

Anonymous said...

See "Brandys Back" on this same blog, discussion still ongoing there

Anonymous said...

Trial Nearing, Alleged Call Girl Found Dead
Howard Police Probe Apparent Suicide of Former 'Top-Notch' UMBC Professor

By Darragh Johnson
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, January 30, 2007; B01

She was a former college professor who had lost almost everything -- her stellar academic reputation, her financial well-being and her anonymity in the swanky suburban neighborhood where she was accused of working as a high-priced prostitute.

With Brandy Britton's trial planned to start next week, the former University of Maryland Baltimore County professor apparently took her own life over the weekend, hanging herself in her living room, Howard County police say. A family member found the body Saturday afternoon. Police say they do not suspect foul play.

It was a grievous end to a life that friends and colleagues say was once filled with remarkable promise and ambition.

Britton, 43, was the first in her family to go to college, double-majoring in biology and sociology. Her first sociology professor, Sheila Cordray, told The Washington Post last year that Britton was "one of the brightest students I've ever had."

The woman whose looks matched her intelligence may still have possessed the long, blond hair, the glossy pink lips and the glamorous figure of her youth. And she may have still projected the warm, friendly demeanor of a small-town girl from Oregon.

But she was facing the world's toughest truth: She had no idea who she was about to become.

Anonymous said...

I am looking to contact "Downunder" or "Anonymous" about her post on this form or anyone in Australia who has information to share about Isamu Tubyangye. Please post on the forum that you are open to contact and I will send a confidential hotmail address where we can speak privately. I need to know the real truth about this guy...

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous who appears to have left a message 3/10/2009.
I can help you with your enquiries and am open to contact dependant on how that is handled. are you posting an address on here?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous from 3/10/09 who wanted information about Isamu Tubyangye.. once again.. let me know how you wish to communicate please?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, I hope your still available. I am prepared to help out with any information I can provide. Please contact me at your earliest

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Divyarana said...

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My favorite blonde, D-cup, over-educated call girl, Brandy Britton, is back in the news. This time, against her lawyer’s recommendations, she is spinning her eye-rolling tale of how $300 an hour is a fair price for her ‘companionship’ to the Baltimore Examiner. She explains that the 150 condoms at her house were necessary tools in her research into HIV transmission vectors. She also thinks anyone without nine bottles of lube just isn’t enjoying sex enough.
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zoyakhanclub2 said...

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Unknown said...

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Anonymous said...

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Divyarana said...

social gathering and so on. Escort is an expression which is used by the affluent people for the individuals with whom physical relation can be established most importantly accompany them in parties. There is so much distinction between a street prostitute and high profile escort. Prostitutes are mainly hired in brothels and they walk of streets. You health safety becomes a main issue If you visit them. They are like only selling their bodies on the streets without any intimacy. However, on the other hand we have professional and educated top notched escorts who also understand that men do not only want body but the real pleasure with intimacy. In case you are going for party hosted by elite people then finding a partner overnight is a very difficult task. Here the real help comes in the form of escort as you can hire them. The main responsibly of these girls are to provide you the best companionship in friendly ambiance.
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Desinasha said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Desinasha said...

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