Hank Stuever (no stranger to this blog) today claims Yoga Beri-like that Earth Day is passe because it's too popular. I have news for him. Like the whiny kid on Mothers Day that wonders when Children's Day is, every day is Earth Day. It's great to get together and hold hands and hug trees, but every day people all over the earth make a choice between damaging the earth and feeding their families.
Here is a dirty secret: Clean air and water are luxury goods. And like all luxuries and all necessities, there is a price for it. We Americans as a society started paying that cost in the 1970s when we passed the Clean Air Act and traded in Smokey The Bear (“Only you can prevent forest fires.”) for Woodsy The Owl (“Give a hoot. Don’t pollute.”) Delve just a little into economics (like the book Naked Economics reviewed here) and you learn about direct and shared costs and benefits.
Anytime tougher regulations are suggested, the resource extraction and waste producing industries band together to minimize their direct costs at the benefit of our shared benefits. Dick Cheney speaks for the oil industry, but who speaks for the trees? Senator Lorax?
And when I mention China’s “neighbors” I mean the whole world. Smog from Asia works its way across the Pacific to acid rain on Oregon. A few years back when we went to Halong Bay in Vietnam, one of the most beautiful and serene natural places on earth (check out the pictures if you don't believe me), we passed a steady stream of large earth-moving trucks transporting coal from the nearby mountains that will end up in power plants in southern China. Vietnam is trying to balance mining with ecotourism, but selling off your backyard pays well. Just ask West Virginia.
Here in our own country we are leveling mountains and filling in stream beds to feed the coal plants that power the enormous internet engines of northern Virginia. A single building of internet servers can draw the energy needed for a small city. And coal is a dirty, dirty fuel. Back in the 80s when the threat of underpowered whiny electric cars was first being being bandied about, the hot rod magazines liked to point out that there is a smokestack at the end of every plug.
The developing world sees our cars and highways and hears us preaching environmentalism and rightly asks “What about our turn?” It seems wasteful for me to drag 2,000 pounds of metal and plastic around with me everywhere I go just because I might have to put a dresser in the back of my SUV every now and then. Or even more ironically, to take my bicycle down the road for a drive.
One of the great advantages of a compressed industrialization cycle is that other countries can bypass our mistakes. In China and Vietnam cell phones are ubiquitous because it’s easier to raise a few cell towers than run miles of wire. The newly refurbished streets of Beijing are a mix of highways with access roads that have wide physically divided bike lanes. Their spanking new subway system has massive bicycle “park and ride” racks. It would be great if we could just skip the whole air-you-cut-with-a-knife phase and move onto clean energy sources.
Worldwide food resources are beginning to tighten and some doomsayers are already predicting that Malthusian chickens are coming home to roost. I doubt that, but our wildly optimistic hope that biofuels will let us extend our energy hogging ways another generation or two is looking pretty naïve. Burning food to power cars doesn’t make any more sense than burning dead dinosaurs.
The eventual solution will be a combination of big and little. I forsee a future where solar cells are as ubiquitous as semiconductor chips are now. But you can’t power a Google server farm without raising the albedo of an entire county. Nuclear power in some safe sustainable way will have to become a contributor, if only to make us less dependent on peoples that hate us because we have a six-hundred year head start on the philosophical cycle that runs from fundamentalism to enlightenment.
We as humans are lazy indifferent animals that tend not to be prodded into action until disaster is imminent, and then not always. Just ask Pompeii. We tend to do Just Enough and we tend to do it in The Nick Of Time. I just hope we aren’t Too Late.
BlatantCommentWhoring™:Will life be better or worse in fifty years?
It's funny remember when there was an oil shortage in the late 70's how quickly we bought smaller cars, which are better for the environment etc. No one's running to that just yet...There are so many small things we can do too. Heck we always watch telly at night by the light of the tv. Saves on electricity.
Hey! I know! Let's all depend on the kindness of strangers to get through the current resource gap!
Conservation will help, new nuclear plants will help, driving smaller cars will help, solar chips will help--but the math doesn't work out for all of these to be anywhere near the solution to pollution that the world really needs. Life will not be better in 50 years for any but a very few lucky persons.
An avalanche took out the towers that trasmitted the our cheap hydropower. For at least the next three months Juneau will be getting their electricity from desiel generators. It's going to cost $500,000 a day to keep Juneau in electricity. Our power bills will be at least 5x what they are now. Now everyone is talking about conserving energy, our schools are turning off half the lights in the hallway, so are the big box stores. At home we are not just turning appliences off, but unplugging them so there is not any energy draw. We even bought a drying rack (the last one at Fred Meyers) so we don't have to use the dryer as much. When it hits you hard in the pocket book it suddenly becomes very important to save power!
I drive a 2005 Mini Cooper. For the record: the newer Minis get better gas mileage, but still, they value zippiness over economy - so they could do better. Still...today, I stopped at a Walgreen's drugstore on my way to work this morning, and as I got out of the car, a woman emerging her rather bloated form from some SUV or other said to me, presumably finally realizing the impact of $3.75 gas, "Man, you're lucky - I wish I could afford a second car so I could drive that and only use this one when I need to." I resisted the urge to be snide, and argue that she probably never needs the SUV, really. I'm a few years older than you, I think - but it's probably true for you, too: when we were kids, in the late '60s and early '70s, families like mine, with four kids, made do with station wagons. If we had to cram a bunch of kids and a bunch of stuff in there, we did. Now every mom and every dad with 2.5 kids claims they "need" a minivan, or an SUV, because of having to haul around their kids and all their stuff. I call bullshit: frankly, the number of times per year there's more stuff or kids than could be stuffed into a smaller vehicle is probably low enough that it'd be cheaper to rent a large vehicle like an SUV or minivan a few times a year than to own it. No, it's entirely fashion. If they weren't screwing the rest of us, I'd really laugh at idiots who just bought, or are still interested in buying, Hummers and the like. If it weren't for the fact that some unwealthy people in rural areas are truly hard-hit by high fuel costs, such as farmers etc., I'd say fine, let gas hit five, six, seven bucks a gallon, and let Hummer owners suffer.
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