Thanks to the helpful folks at Blue Collar Industries, anybody can forge a Kenyan birth certificate. Here is mine:

Far more useful would be an app that would help forge a Hawaiian Certificate of Live Birth. I might need one if I ever run for president.
How ridiculous is it that this is an issue. Personally, I don't get the whole "you have to be born in the US to be president" thing anyway. What difference does it make what soil you were born in if you spend your life in the US being a productive member of society? But then again that's why I don't write constitutions.
You know what's stupid about this? Well, there are loads of things that are stupid about this. But even if Obama were born in Kenya, as long as one of his parents was an American citizen he would still be considered a 'natural born citizen'. My son is eligible to be president despite being born in the UK. John McCain was eligible to
You know what's stupid about this? Well, there are loads of things that are stupid about this. But even if Obama were born in Kenya, as long as one of his parents was an American citizen he would still be considered a 'natural born citizen'. My son is eligible to be president despite being born in the UK. John McCain was eligible to be president despite being born in Panama. These folks should move on.
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