Comics reproduced here for purposes of review only, and all rights remain with their creators; please don't sue me. All comments remain the property and responsibility of those who posted them.
I am exercising my right to re-use and republish my own comments on my blog. At the same time I am taking the effort to add just a little pizzazz to the presentation. Don’t think of these as re-runs, they are more like the Collector's Edition Director’s Cut with better special effects except without ugly hippo-looking things wandering around Mos Eisley.
So here we go with the definitive single elimination competition to find the crappiest comic in print.
Dead Writers Division
Pointless Soap Division
Just Not Funny Division
Walker-Browne Division
Pointless Soap Division
Just Not Funny Division
Walker-Browne Division
These all look like tough match-ups. First round action begins Thursday. Remember, the competition is to find the crappiest comic, so the "winners" are really losers, but that in no way means that any of these losers are winners.
I've never even heard of "Raising Duncan." Which, considering the rest of the Walker-Browne output, I'm very grateful for.
How about a political division featuring Mallard Fillmore, Non Sequitur, Doonesbury, and... darn, what's the name of that strip featuring the little right wing girl and the coyote? I guess Doonesbury would be a ringer since it's actually pretty good, which would mean it would be eliminated in the first round.
OMFG, I can't wait. At last, my severe prejudice against Family Circus will be useful to society as a whole! Provided, of course, that anyone takes note of this important legislative procedure and outlaws old, boring, stupid comics featuring oddly misshapen children and their precocious quipping (which let's face it, would be only marginally amusing to their own tragically unhip parents, let alone the world at large).
Good thing you put them in categories since I would be hard pressed to choose which one I find less repugnant, Family Circus or Cathy...
Dude, it wasn't funny thirty years ago and it's even less funny now! Give it a rest!
Loudfan, you are thinking of Prickly City which is at least a step above Mallard Fillmore in that it has two characters, the ethnically ambiguous girl and the dopey liberal strawman/coyote. Doonesbury is brilliant despite or because of its political point of view.
No category for FBOFW? God I love to hate that strip...
And you're forcing me to choose between talking, ginormous animals in Mark Trail and the gayest storyline comic EVER Rex Morgan??? I don't think I can choose.
I have to vote for BC and everything else the Parker/Hart duo put out. "Just Not Funny" sums them up perfectly.
What's the prize, dude? Money? ;)
Wow, I'm overwhelmed by the sheer power of this field. I'm going to have to consult with Dick Vitale before I can make picks...
Oh where to begin!
I have this feeling that what we haven't seen (yet) is the bracket chart that took you hours to draw up.
Yeah, where's the hot FOOB action?
I'll only be mollified if you've left them out because you'll soon be doing another installment of your Mt. Foob series!
Do you want actual votes? I wasn't sure...
My winners (meaning even worse losers than the losers):
Andy Capp
Peanuts (talk about overrated - these kids are sociopaths, I'm telling ya! I always hated how mean Lucy, Violet, et al. were to Charlie Brown. Give me Shoe's desktop avalanche any day)
Mary Worth
Mark Trail (Sex Organ, MD has artists who can actually draw people)
Garfield (tough call there, but at least Cathy has a more diverse cast and more than three "jokes")
Family Circus (gag)
I don't read the Walker-Brownes, so I'm bowing out of judging that division.
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