Ted Forth, My Hero and Sally’s Hero: Ted Forth, Part Deaux. I really do like Sally Forth the strip and that’s not just because Ces indulges my little tweaking. I probably have one or two more posts on this sly family strip, but I try to pace myself.
Teenage Girl President Casting Call. I’ve also set my sights on Ces’s webcomic with my list of real life actresses that could play Teenage Girl President. Since I’ve posted that tongue-in-cheek list, I’ve been getting LostGoogler® hits for the phrase “casting call” in combination with any of the tweener shows I name checked. Some of the more irony impaired ones leave earnest comments wanting me to help them out get an audition. I think that is WAY more disturbing than any creepy vibe the original post may have had.
National Crappy Comics Competition. While still talking about comics, The NCCC™ is actually 11 posts all strung together over a three-week period. I think I’ve done a pretty good job of cross linking them so that you can start anywhere and follow along, since they aren’t nearly as funny in reverse chronological blog order.
Bradley Cooper On Broadway and Stalking Julia. Both posts are both about my trip to New York to see the poorly reviewed but still profitable Three Days Of Rain. It was a thrill to get Julia Robert’s and the rest of the cast’s autograph. It even got a link from a Dutch blog. While I’m still metaphorically gay for Bradley Cooper, I’m not so sure about some of the LostGooglers®.
Granite Kitchen Countertops. My funny-only-to-me attempt at GoogleBombing® is starting to gain some momentum. Thanks to rashbre, Jane, loudfan, and all you other good sports for indulging me. For the rest of you, a few more incoming links wouldn’t hurt.
Really Desperate Housewife and Brandy’s Back. My two posts about the over-educated Howard County hooker are my favorites. For one thing, there is real content in it. I was the only blog or web source for Dr. Brandy Britton’s alleged new escort service. I would like to think that the more than 200 hits the "Cultured Companion" got from my blog had a part in it eventually going 404. Also, the comments section for that post has taken a life of its own and now serves as a support group and information clearinghouse for Brandy-haters.
Reviewing my archive I realize how celebrity obsessed I appear, having done posts about Melissa Etheridge, Jessica Alba, Johnny Weir, Neil Gaiman, the Clintons and Bushes, and, of course, Angelina Jolie.
I’ve also done a lot of travel related blogging including my three part post about our trip to France in the footsteps of Dan Brown, as well as reminisces about New Orleans and DisneyWorld. As I will make clear soon, there is going to be a more travel blogging later this month. I will continue to post about music, books, bookstores, intellectual property and whatever random thoughts cross my head. And we will try to go for a second annual NaJuReMoNoMo in January. Thanks for reading and giving me an audience.
Blatant Call For BlogWhoring™: What was the favorite post of yours or someone else so far for 2006?
Hi yellojkt,
I loved "The Internet Is For Viral Videos" It made me laugh out loud and I still have that song stuck in my head!!
Geez, mine, of course!
I'm uneffingbelieveably funny, if I do say so myowndamnself.
Blogging is OVER.
It's all about the NBCYouTube Videos now.
bc is too modest to plug his blog properly. It is here. And it is funny.
I gotta get into this YouTube stuff before the Intellectual Property Police shut it down like Napster.
I cannot believe you included Andy Capp in the Crappy Comics post.
To toot my own horn, I'm particularly proud of my Da Vinci Code post and my homage to Jennifer San Marco. To toot someone else's? Gotta go with a handful of these.
Here via Michele today.
I must admit I read, enjoy, forget and move on to the next day. I can't really think of anything right now.
Michele sent me.
I'd have to risk a pandering accusation: this very entry ranks among my favorites. What a great idea to do a quick review of your faves!
I've been meaning to do something like this for quite some time, but have never gotten around to it. Now you've inspired me.
Mine would have to be the countertops and Brandy the Really Desperate Housewife. I loved those.
Thanks, it makes me feel a little less self-indulgent to know that others like the idea. And I am all about the meta, so it fits that way too.
There is a little method to my madness here. I'm often looking for the permalink to an old post when I comment someplace else about a topic I have covered. Note the date of this post. It will be the top post when I go to June 2006 in the archive. In a way it works like a mini-archive but counts as content too.
There are so many good blogs and writing that it's really hard to pick one that I liked the best (how is that for being pc!)
Michele sent me
its a good idea, I may need to do a revue of my hits
Because I'm God, I'm particularly proud of the universe.
Except for the damned hairless standing monkeys. What is their problem?
Hmm -- my favorite post(s) of yours tend to be the handful about high school bands, mainly as a result of having been a band geek myself.
Favorite post of my own? I guess it'd have to be one of the "I Read Leviticus" series -- let's say this one just for argument's sake.
Favorite post by somebody else has to be this one. (Disclaimer -- I'm linking to a post by a personal friend, but I think it'd be my favorite regardless...)
Your posts regarding Brandy Britton have been very good, some solid research there, everything backed up and no speculation. You covered things that none of the press did as well. I hope you will have something after the upcoming trial 8/8, as I have some personal connection ( I'm the respondent DHx2) and don't live in the region so don't get the local news.
I agree, reading about Brandy's demise has been interesting. I too have a connection though I didn't date her like DHx2 ! Rather, her illustrious ex husband #2. Thus my interest.. I'm wondering if he will be implicated in the 8/8 hearing.. (anyone know if it happened??). I also don't live locally, so speak up those with news..?
So I read she's managed to again postpone her trial until October. On what grounds does anyone know?
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